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lampie2000 Offline

Posts: 4
Joined: Jul 2013
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Post: #1

Hi, I found this ISS script on the fourm but i was wondering is it safe to use? Also this is out of date and doesnt have the new race in...
How do i edit to add warrior and wizard to the new class?

Could someone please delete and coding that i dont need. Its just a simple iss doomcryer script to auto buff new party members etc... i dont need anything for out of party etc.


Quote:-- With safeCode isn't supposed to stop script on possible errors, but
-- will just silently pause working till cause of error go away
local safeCode = false

-- Distance to search for party members to buff
local SearchDistance = 850

-- Check if L2Tower is running (not paused)
local CheckIfRunning = false

-- How long after last buffing will we leave the party?
local LeaveAfterBuffsTimeout = 2*1000 -- 2 sec

-- Names of Leader of party, ISS name, member to kick
local Names = {
Leader = "",
Iss = "",

-- Will it work with entering/leaving party?
-- Well it's not really just for OOP anymore, but name remained Smile
-- Notes:
-- * If you run script on character specified as "Leader", then Leader will invite buffer when buffs are needed
local OOPMode = false

-- "Wizard", "Warrior" and "Knight" stand for type of Harmony to use
local ClassesContainer = {
Magic = {
Buffer = {
{ 17, "Wizard"}, -- Prophet
{ 21, "Warrior"}, -- Swordsinger
{ 34, "Warrior"}, -- Bladedancer
{ 49, "Wizard" }, -- Orc Mystic
{ 50, "Wizard" }, -- Orc Shaman
{ 51, "Warrior" }, -- Overlord
{ 52, "Wizard" }, -- Warcryer
{ 98, "Wizard" }, -- Hierophant
{ 100, "Warrior" }, -- Sword Muse
{ 107, "Warrior" }, -- Spectral Dancer
{ 115, "Wizard" }, -- Dominator
{ 116, "Wizard" }, -- Doomcryer

{ 144, "Warrior"}, -- Iss Enchanter
{ 171, "Warrior" }, -- IssHierophant
{ 172, "Warrior"}, -- IssSwordMuse
{ 173, "Warrior"}, -- IssSpectralDancer
{ 174, "Warrior" }, -- IssDominator
{ 175, "Warrior" }, -- IssDoomcryer
Healer = {
{ 15, "Wizard"}, -- Cleric
{ 16, "Wizard"}, -- Bishop
{ 29, "Wizard"}, -- Elven Oracle
{ 30, "Wizard"}, -- Elven Elder
{ 97, "Wizard"}, -- Cardinal
{ 42, "Wizard" }, -- Shillien Oracle
{ 43, "Wizard" }, -- Shillien Elder
{ 105, "Wizard" }, -- Eva's Saint
{ 112, "Wizard" }, -- Shillien Saint

{ 146, "Wizard" }, -- Aeore Healer
{ 179, "Wizard" }, -- AeoreCardinal
{ 180, "Wizard" }, -- AeoreEvasSaint
{ 181, "Wizard" }, -- AeoreShillienSaint
Nuker = {
{ 10, "Wizard"}, -- Human Mystic
{ 11, "Wizard"}, -- Human Wizard
{ 12, "Wizard"}, -- Sorceror
{ 13, "Wizard"}, -- Necromancer
{ 25, "Wizard"}, -- Elven Mystic
{ 26, "Wizard"}, -- Elven Wizard
{ 27, "Wizard"}, -- Spellsinger
{ 38, "Wizard" }, -- Dark Mystic
{ 39, "Wizard" }, -- Dark Wizard
{ 40, "Wizard" }, -- Spellhowler
{ 94, "Wizard" }, -- Archmage
{ 95, "Wizard" }, -- Soultaker
{ 103, "Wizard" }, -- Mystic Muse
{ 110, "Wizard" }, -- Storm Screamer

{ 143, "Wizard" }, -- Feoh Wizard
{ 166, "Wizard" }, -- FeohArchmage
{ 167, "Wizard" }, -- FeohSoultaker
{ 168, "Wizard" }, -- FeohMysticMuse
{ 169, "Wizard" }, -- FeohStormScreamer
{ 170, "Wizard" }, -- FeohSoulhound
Summoner = {
{ 14, "Warrior"}, -- Warlock
{ 28, "Warrior"}, -- Elemental Summoner
{ 41, "Warrior" }, -- Phantom Summoner
{ 96, "Warrior" }, -- Arcana Lord
{ 104, "Warrior" }, -- Elemental Master
{ 111, "Warrior" }, -- Spectral Master

{ 145, "Warrior"}, -- Wynn Summoner
{ 176, "Warrior"}, -- WynnArcanaLord
{ 177, "Warrior"}, -- WynnElementalMaster
{ 178, "Warrior"}, -- WynnSpectralMaster

Physical = {
Warrior = {
{ 0, "Warrior"}, -- Human Fighter
{ 1, "Warrior"}, -- Warrior
{ 2, "Warrior"}, -- Gladiator
{ 3, "Warrior"}, -- Warlord
{ 18, "Warrior"}, -- Elven Fighter
{ 19, "Warrior"}, -- Elven Knight
{ 31, "Warrior"}, -- Dark Fighter
{ 44, "Warrior" }, -- Orc Fighter
{ 45, "Warrior" }, -- Orc Raider
{ 46, "Warrior" }, -- Destroyer
{ 47, "Warrior" }, -- Monk
{ 48, "Warrior" }, -- Tyrant
{ 53, "Warrior" }, -- Dwarven Fighter
{ 56, "Warrior" }, -- Artisan
{ 57, "Warrior" }, -- Warsmith
{ 88, "Warrior"}, -- Duelist
{ 89, "Warrior" }, -- Dreadnought
{ 113, "Warrior" }, -- Titan
{ 114, "Warrior" }, -- Grand Khavatari
{ 118, "Warrior" }, -- Maestro
{ 123, "Warrior" }, -- Male Soldier
{ 124, "Warrior" }, -- Female Soldier
{ 125, "Warrior" }, -- Dragoon
{ 126, "Warrior" }, -- Warder
{ 127, "Warrior" }, -- Berserker
{ 128, "Warrior" }, -- Male Soul Breaker
{ 129, "Warrior" }, -- Female Soul Breaker
{ 131, "Warrior" }, -- Doombringer
{ 132, "Warrior" }, -- Male Soul Hound
{ 133, "Warrior" }, -- Female Soul Hound
{ 135, "Warrior" }, -- Inspector
{ 136, "Warrior" }, -- Judicator

{ 140, "Warrior" }, -- Tyrr Warrior
{ 152, "Warrior" }, -- TyrrDuelist
{ 153, "Warrior" }, -- TyrrDreadnought
{ 154, "Warrior" }, -- TyrrTitan
{ 155, "Warrior" }, -- TyrrGrandKhavatari
{ 156, "Warrior" }, -- TyrrMaestro
{ 157, "Warrior" }, -- TyrrDoombringer
Dagger = {
{ 7, "Warrior"}, -- Rogue
{ 8, "Warrior"}, -- Treasure Hunter
{ 22, "Warrior"}, -- Elven Scout
{ 23, "Warrior"}, -- Plainswalker
{ 35, "Warrior"}, -- Assassin
{ 36, "Warrior"}, -- Abyss Walker
{ 54, "Warrior" }, -- Scavenger
{ 55, "Warrior" }, -- Bounty Hunter
{ 93, "Warrior"}, -- Adventurer
{ 101, "Warrior" }, -- Wind Rider
{ 108, "Warrior" }, -- Ghost Hunter
{ 117, "Warrior"}, -- Fortune Seeker

{ 141, "Warrior" }, -- Othell Rogue
{ 158, "Warrior" }, -- OthellAdventurer
{ 159, "Warrior" }, -- OthellWindRider
{ 160, "Warrior" }, -- OthellGhostHunter
{ 161, "Warrior" }, -- OthellFortuneSeeker
Archer = {
{ 9, "Warrior"}, -- Hawkeye
{ 24, "Warrior"}, -- Silver Ranger
{ 37, "Warrior"}, -- Phantom Ranger
{ 92, "Warrior" }, -- Sagittarius
{ 102, "Warrior" }, -- Moonlight Sentinel
{ 109, "Warrior" }, -- Ghost Sentinel
{ 130, "Warrior" }, -- Arbalester
{ 134, "Warrior" }, -- Trickster

{ 142, "Warrior" }, -- Yul Archer
{ 162, "Warrior" }, -- YulSagittarius
{ 163, "Warrior" }, -- YulMoonlightSentinel
{ 164, "Warrior" }, -- YulGhostSentinel
{ 165, "Warrior" }, -- YulTrickster

Tank = {
Knight = {
{ 4, "Warrior"}, -- Human Knight
{ 5, "Knight"}, -- Paladin
{ 6, "Knight"}, -- Dark Avenger
{ 20, "Knight"}, -- Temple Knight
{ 32, "Warrior"}, -- Palus Knight
{ 33, "Knight"}, -- Shillien Knight
{ 90, "Knight" }, -- Phoenix Knight
{ 91, "Knight" }, -- Hell Knight
{ 99, "Knight" }, -- Eva's Templar
{ 106, "Warrior" }, -- Shillien Templar

{ 139, "Knight" }, -- Sigel Knight
{ 148, "Knight" }, -- SigelPhoenixKnight
{ 149, "Knight" }, -- SigelHellKnight
{ 150, "Knight" }, -- SigelEvasTemplar
{ 151, "Knight" }, -- SigelShillienTemplar
-- If there are multiple values with same name it means it will search for the most nested one (the one furthest to right)

-- Skill Ids which can apply this buff
-- Ids of skills that apply same buff effect (so we don't try cast buff if we cannot override),
-- Must contain also all Skills Ids,
-- Basically it checks if target holds any of Buffs, if it doesn't it tries to use any of Skills to apply them

if GetMe():GetClass() == 171 or GetMe():GetClass() == 175 then
BuffsContainer = {
MinTimeLeft = 1000, -- static minimum time left when we will rebuff, searchest for the most nested one
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = 1/5, -- dynamic minimum time left when we will rebuff, Length * multiplier determines when we will rebuff, so 30 min with 0.1 multiplier makes it rebuffing at 3 min left on buff
Melody = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = 1800000, -- 30 min, maximum length of buff in milliseconds

Horn = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11517 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9198, -- Elixir: Horn Melody
9218, -- Elixir of Blessing - Horn Melody
9227, -- Mentor's Poem of Horn
9273, -- Horn Melody - PC Cafe
9280, -- Horn Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9331, -- Horn Melody - Refined Cocktail
11517, -- Horn Melody
11589, -- Horn Frenzy
14738, -- Olympiad - Horn Melody
14779, -- Master's Blessing - Horn Melody
14791, -- Master's Blessing - Horn Melody (Range)

Drum = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11518 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9199, -- Elixir: Drum Melody
9219, -- Elixir of Blessing - Drum Melody
9228, -- Mentor's Poem of Drum
9274, -- Drum Melody - PC Cafe
9281, -- Drum Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9332, -- Drum Melody - Refined Cocktail
11518, -- Drum Melody
11590, -- Drum Frenzy
14739, -- Olympiad - Drum Melody
14780, -- Master's Blessing - Drum Melody
14792, -- Master's Blessing - Drum Melody (Range)
22213, -- Mysterious Scroll - Drum Melody

PipeOrgan = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11519 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9201, -- Elixir: Pipe Organ Melody
9221, -- Elixir of Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
9230, -- Mentor's Poem of Organ
9276, -- Pipe Organ Melody - PC Cafe
9283, -- Pipe Organ Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9334, -- Pipe Organ Melody - Refined Cocktail
11519, -- Pipe Organ Melody
11591, -- Pipe Organ Frenzy
14607, -- Cry of Fate - Pipe Organ Melody
14693, -- Cry of Fate - Pipe Organ Melody
14740, -- Olympiad - Pipe Organ Melody
14781, -- Master's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
14793, -- Master's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody (Range)
23364, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
23365, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
23366, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
23367, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
23368, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody

Guitar = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11520 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9202, -- Elixir: Guitar Melody
9222, -- Elixir of Blessing - Guitar Melody
9231, -- Mentor's Poem of Guitar
9277, -- Guitar Melody - PC Cafe
9284, -- Guitar Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9335, -- Guitar Melody - Refined Cocktail
11520, -- Guitar Melody
11592, -- Guitar Frenzy
14741, -- Olympiad - Guitar Melody
14782, -- Master's Blessing - Guitar Melody
14794, -- Master's Blessing - Guitar Melody (Range)
23369, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
23370, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
23371, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
23372, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
23373, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody

Harp = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11521 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9203, -- Elixir: Harp Melody
9223, -- Elixir of Blessing - Harp Melody
9232, -- Mentor's Poem of Harp
9278, -- Harp Melody - PC Cafe
9285, -- Harp Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9336, -- Harp Melody - Refined Cocktail
11521, -- Harp Melody
11593, -- Harp Frenzy
14742, -- Olympiad - Harp Melody
14783, -- Master's Blessing - Harp Melody
14795, -- Master's Blessing - Harp Melody (Range)
23374, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
23375, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
23376, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
23377, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
23378, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody

Lute = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11522 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9200, -- Elixir: Lute Melody
9220, -- Elixir of Blessing - Lute Melody
9229, -- Mentor's Poem of Lute
9275, -- Lute Melody - PC Cafe
9282, -- Lute Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9333, -- Lute Melody - Refined Cocktail
11522, -- Lute Melody
11594, -- Lute Frenzy
14743, -- Olympiad - Lute Melody
14784, -- Master's Blessing - Lute Melody
14796, -- Master's Blessing - Lute Melody (Range)
23359, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
23360, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
23361, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
23362, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
23363, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody

Sonata = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = 350000, -- 5 min

Prevailing = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11529 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
11610, -- Prevailing Dance
11600, -- Frenzied Prevailing Sonata
11607, -- Prevailing Song
11529, -- Prevailing Sonata
14993, -- Master's Blessing - Prevailing Sonata
14996, -- Master's Blessing - Prevailing Sonata (range)

Daring = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11530 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
11611, -- Daring Dance
11530, -- Daring Sonata
11608, -- Daring Song
11601, -- Frenzied Daring Sonata
14994, -- Master's Blessing - Daring Sonata
14997, -- Master's Blessing - Daring Sonata (range)

Refreshing = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11532 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
11532, -- Refreshing Sonata
11602, -- Frenzied Refreshing Sonata
11609, -- Refreshing Song
11612, -- Refreshing Dance
11602, -- Frenzied Refreshing Sonata
14995, -- Master's Blessing - Refreshing Sonata
14998, -- Master's Blessing - Refreshing Sonata (range

Protection = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = 1800000, -- 30 min

Elemental = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Skills = { 11565 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
1352, -- Elemental Protection
11565, -- Elemental Protection
11790, -- Superior Elemental Protection
23247, -- Master's Blessing - Elemental Protection
23295, -- Master's Blessing - Elemental Protection

Divine = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Skills = { 11566, 803 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
11566, -- Divine Protection
1353, -- Divine Protection
803, -- Healer Ability - Divine Protection

Mental = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Skills = { 11567 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
11567, -- Mental Protection

Harmony = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
Length = 1800000, -- 30 min

Knight = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11523 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
9376, -- Mentor Guardian's Harmony
11523, -- Knight's Harmony
11595, -- Knight's Frenzied Harmony
14744, -- Olympiad - Guardian's Harmony
14785, -- Master's Blessing - Guardian's Harmony
14797, -- Master's Blessing - Guardian's Harmony (Range)

Warrior = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11524 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
9378, -- Mentor's Berserker's Harmony
11524, -- Warrior's Harmony
11596, -- Warrior's Frenzied Harmony
14745, -- Olympiad - Berserker's Harmony
14786, -- Master's Blessing - Berserker's Harmony
14798, -- Master's Blessing - Berserker's Harmony (Range)

Wizard = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11525 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
9377, -- Mentor's Magician's Harmony
11525, -- Wizard's Harmony
11597, -- Wizard's Frenzied Harmony
14746, -- Olympiad - Magician's Harmony
14787, -- Master's Blessing - Magician's Harmony
14799, -- Master's Blessing - Magician's Harmony (Range)
elseif GetMe():GetClass() == 172 then

BuffsContainer = {
MinTimeLeft = 1000, -- static minimum time left when we will rebuff, searchest for the most nested one
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = 1/5, -- dynamic minimum time left when we will rebuff, Length * multiplier determines when we will rebuff, so 30 min with 0.1 multiplier makes it rebuffing at 3 min left on buff
Melody = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = 1800000, -- 30 min, maximum length of buff in milliseconds

Horn = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11517 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9198, -- Elixir: Horn Melody
9218, -- Elixir of Blessing - Horn Melody
9227, -- Mentor's Poem of Horn
9273, -- Horn Melody - PC Cafe
9280, -- Horn Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9331, -- Horn Melody - Refined Cocktail
11517, -- Horn Melody
11589, -- Horn Frenzy
14738, -- Olympiad - Horn Melody
14779, -- Master's Blessing - Horn Melody
14791, -- Master's Blessing - Horn Melody (Range)

Drum = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11518 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9199, -- Elixir: Drum Melody
9219, -- Elixir of Blessing - Drum Melody
9228, -- Mentor's Poem of Drum
9274, -- Drum Melody - PC Cafe
9281, -- Drum Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9332, -- Drum Melody - Refined Cocktail
11518, -- Drum Melody
11590, -- Drum Frenzy
14739, -- Olympiad - Drum Melody
14780, -- Master's Blessing - Drum Melody
14792, -- Master's Blessing - Drum Melody (Range)
22213, -- Mysterious Scroll - Drum Melody

PipeOrgan = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11519 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9201, -- Elixir: Pipe Organ Melody
9221, -- Elixir of Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
9230, -- Mentor's Poem of Organ
9276, -- Pipe Organ Melody - PC Cafe
9283, -- Pipe Organ Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9334, -- Pipe Organ Melody - Refined Cocktail
11519, -- Pipe Organ Melody
11591, -- Pipe Organ Frenzy
14607, -- Cry of Fate - Pipe Organ Melody
14693, -- Cry of Fate - Pipe Organ Melody
14740, -- Olympiad - Pipe Organ Melody
14781, -- Master's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
14793, -- Master's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody (Range)
23364, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
23365, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
23366, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
23367, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
23368, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody

Guitar = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11520 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9202, -- Elixir: Guitar Melody
9222, -- Elixir of Blessing - Guitar Melody
9231, -- Mentor's Poem of Guitar
9277, -- Guitar Melody - PC Cafe
9284, -- Guitar Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9335, -- Guitar Melody - Refined Cocktail
11520, -- Guitar Melody
11592, -- Guitar Frenzy
14741, -- Olympiad - Guitar Melody
14782, -- Master's Blessing - Guitar Melody
14794, -- Master's Blessing - Guitar Melody (Range)
23369, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
23370, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
23371, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
23372, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
23373, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody

Harp = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11521 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9203, -- Elixir: Harp Melody
9223, -- Elixir of Blessing - Harp Melody
9232, -- Mentor's Poem of Harp
9278, -- Harp Melody - PC Cafe
9285, -- Harp Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9336, -- Harp Melody - Refined Cocktail
11521, -- Harp Melody
11593, -- Harp Frenzy
14742, -- Olympiad - Harp Melody
14783, -- Master's Blessing - Harp Melody
14795, -- Master's Blessing - Harp Melody (Range)
23374, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
23375, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
23376, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
23377, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
23378, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody

Lute = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11522 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9200, -- Elixir: Lute Melody
9220, -- Elixir of Blessing - Lute Melody
9229, -- Mentor's Poem of Lute
9275, -- Lute Melody - PC Cafe
9282, -- Lute Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9333, -- Lute Melody - Refined Cocktail
11522, -- Lute Melody
11594, -- Lute Frenzy
14743, -- Olympiad - Lute Melody
14784, -- Master's Blessing - Lute Melody
14796, -- Master's Blessing - Lute Melody (Range)
23359, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
23360, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
23361, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
23362, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
23363, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody

Sonata = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = 350000, -- 5 min

Prevailing = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11607 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
11610, -- Prevailing Dance
11600, -- Frenzied Prevailing Sonata
11607, -- Prevailing Song
11529, -- Prevailing Sonata
14993, -- Master's Blessing - Prevailing Sonata
14996, -- Master's Blessing - Prevailing Sonata (range)

Daring = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11608 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
11611, -- Daring Dance
11530, -- Daring Sonata
11608, -- Daring Song
11601, -- Frenzied Daring Sonata
14994, -- Master's Blessing - Daring Sonata
14997, -- Master's Blessing - Daring Sonata (range)

Refreshing = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11609 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
11532, -- Refreshing Sonata
11602, -- Frenzied Refreshing Sonata
11609, -- Refreshing Song
11612, -- Refreshing Dance
11602, -- Frenzied Refreshing Sonata
14995, -- Master's Blessing - Refreshing Sonata
14998, -- Master's Blessing - Refreshing Sonata (range

Protection = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = 1800000, -- 30 min

Elemental = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Skills = { 11565 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
1352, -- Elemental Protection
11565, -- Elemental Protection
11790, -- Superior Elemental Protection
23247, -- Master's Blessing - Elemental Protection
23295, -- Master's Blessing - Elemental Protection

Divine = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Skills = { 11566, 803 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
11566, -- Divine Protection
1353, -- Divine Protection
803, -- Healer Ability - Divine Protection

Mental = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Skills = { 11567 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
11567, -- Mental Protection

Harmony = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
Length = 1800000, -- 30 min

Knight = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11523 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
9376, -- Mentor Guardian's Harmony
11523, -- Knight's Harmony
11595, -- Knight's Frenzied Harmony
14744, -- Olympiad - Guardian's Harmony
14785, -- Master's Blessing - Guardian's Harmony
14797, -- Master's Blessing - Guardian's Harmony (Range)

Warrior = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11524 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
9378, -- Mentor's Berserker's Harmony
11524, -- Warrior's Harmony
11596, -- Warrior's Frenzied Harmony
14745, -- Olympiad - Berserker's Harmony
14786, -- Master's Blessing - Berserker's Harmony
14798, -- Master's Blessing - Berserker's Harmony (Range)

Wizard = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11525 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
9377, -- Mentor's Magician's Harmony
11525, -- Wizard's Harmony
11597, -- Wizard's Frenzied Harmony
14746, -- Olympiad - Magician's Harmony
14787, -- Master's Blessing - Magician's Harmony
14799, -- Master's Blessing - Magician's Harmony (Range)
elseif GetMe():GetClass() == 173 then

BuffsContainer = {
MinTimeLeft = 1000, -- static minimum time left when we will rebuff, searchest for the most nested one
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = 1/5, -- dynamic minimum time left when we will rebuff, Length * multiplier determines when we will rebuff, so 30 min with 0.1 multiplier makes it rebuffing at 3 min left on buff
Melody = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = 1800000, -- 30 min, maximum length of buff in milliseconds

Horn = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11517 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9198, -- Elixir: Horn Melody
9218, -- Elixir of Blessing - Horn Melody
9227, -- Mentor's Poem of Horn
9273, -- Horn Melody - PC Cafe
9280, -- Horn Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9331, -- Horn Melody - Refined Cocktail
11517, -- Horn Melody
11589, -- Horn Frenzy
14738, -- Olympiad - Horn Melody
14779, -- Master's Blessing - Horn Melody
14791, -- Master's Blessing - Horn Melody (Range)

Drum = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11518 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9199, -- Elixir: Drum Melody
9219, -- Elixir of Blessing - Drum Melody
9228, -- Mentor's Poem of Drum
9274, -- Drum Melody - PC Cafe
9281, -- Drum Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9332, -- Drum Melody - Refined Cocktail
11518, -- Drum Melody
11590, -- Drum Frenzy
14739, -- Olympiad - Drum Melody
14780, -- Master's Blessing - Drum Melody
14792, -- Master's Blessing - Drum Melody (Range)
22213, -- Mysterious Scroll - Drum Melody

PipeOrgan = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11519 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9201, -- Elixir: Pipe Organ Melody
9221, -- Elixir of Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
9230, -- Mentor's Poem of Organ
9276, -- Pipe Organ Melody - PC Cafe
9283, -- Pipe Organ Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9334, -- Pipe Organ Melody - Refined Cocktail
11519, -- Pipe Organ Melody
11591, -- Pipe Organ Frenzy
14607, -- Cry of Fate - Pipe Organ Melody
14693, -- Cry of Fate - Pipe Organ Melody
14740, -- Olympiad - Pipe Organ Melody
14781, -- Master's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
14793, -- Master's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody (Range)
23364, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
23365, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
23366, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
23367, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
23368, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody

Guitar = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11520 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9202, -- Elixir: Guitar Melody
9222, -- Elixir of Blessing - Guitar Melody
9231, -- Mentor's Poem of Guitar
9277, -- Guitar Melody - PC Cafe
9284, -- Guitar Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9335, -- Guitar Melody - Refined Cocktail
11520, -- Guitar Melody
11592, -- Guitar Frenzy
14741, -- Olympiad - Guitar Melody
14782, -- Master's Blessing - Guitar Melody
14794, -- Master's Blessing - Guitar Melody (Range)
23369, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
23370, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
23371, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
23372, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
23373, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody

Harp = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11521 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9203, -- Elixir: Harp Melody
9223, -- Elixir of Blessing - Harp Melody
9232, -- Mentor's Poem of Harp
9278, -- Harp Melody - PC Cafe
9285, -- Harp Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9336, -- Harp Melody - Refined Cocktail
11521, -- Harp Melody
11593, -- Harp Frenzy
14742, -- Olympiad - Harp Melody
14783, -- Master's Blessing - Harp Melody
14795, -- Master's Blessing - Harp Melody (Range)
23374, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
23375, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
23376, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
23377, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
23378, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody

Lute = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11522 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9200, -- Elixir: Lute Melody
9220, -- Elixir of Blessing - Lute Melody
9229, -- Mentor's Poem of Lute
9275, -- Lute Melody - PC Cafe
9282, -- Lute Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9333, -- Lute Melody - Refined Cocktail
11522, -- Lute Melody
11594, -- Lute Frenzy
14743, -- Olympiad - Lute Melody
14784, -- Master's Blessing - Lute Melody
14796, -- Master's Blessing - Lute Melody (Range)
23359, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
23360, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
23361, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
23362, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
23363, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody

Sonata = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = 350000, -- 5 min

Prevailing = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11610 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
11610, -- Prevailing Dance
11600, -- Frenzied Prevailing Sonata
11607, -- Prevailing Song
11529, -- Prevailing Sonata
14993, -- Master's Blessing - Prevailing Sonata
14996, -- Master's Blessing - Prevailing Sonata (range)

Daring = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11611 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
11611, -- Daring Dance
11530, -- Daring Sonata
11608, -- Daring Song
11601, -- Frenzied Daring Sonata
14994, -- Master's Blessing - Daring Sonata
14997, -- Master's Blessing - Daring Sonata (range)

Refreshing = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11612 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
11532, -- Refreshing Sonata
11602, -- Frenzied Refreshing Sonata
11609, -- Refreshing Song
11612, -- Refreshing Dance
11602, -- Frenzied Refreshing Sonata
14995, -- Master's Blessing - Refreshing Sonata
14998, -- Master's Blessing - Refreshing Sonata (range

Protection = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = 1800000, -- 30 min

Elemental = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Skills = { 11565 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
1352, -- Elemental Protection
11565, -- Elemental Protection
11790, -- Superior Elemental Protection
23247, -- Master's Blessing - Elemental Protection
23295, -- Master's Blessing - Elemental Protection

Divine = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Skills = { 11566, 803 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
11566, -- Divine Protection
1353, -- Divine Protection
803, -- Healer Ability - Divine Protection

Mental = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Skills = { 11567 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
11567, -- Mental Protection

Harmony = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
Length = 1800000, -- 30 min

Knight = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11523 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
9376, -- Mentor Guardian's Harmony
11523, -- Knight's Harmony
11595, -- Knight's Frenzied Harmony
14744, -- Olympiad - Guardian's Harmony
14785, -- Master's Blessing - Guardian's Harmony
14797, -- Master's Blessing - Guardian's Harmony (Range)

Warrior = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11524 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
9378, -- Mentor's Berserker's Harmony
11524, -- Warrior's Harmony
11596, -- Warrior's Frenzied Harmony
14745, -- Olympiad - Berserker's Harmony
14786, -- Master's Blessing - Berserker's Harmony
14798, -- Master's Blessing - Berserker's Harmony (Range)

Wizard = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11525 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
9377, -- Mentor's Magician's Harmony
11525, -- Wizard's Harmony
11597, -- Wizard's Frenzied Harmony
14746, -- Olympiad - Magician's Harmony
14787, -- Master's Blessing - Magician's Harmony
14799, -- Master's Blessing - Magician's Harmony (Range)
elseif GetMe():GetClass() == 174 then

BuffsContainer = {
MinTimeLeft = 1000, -- static minimum time left when we will rebuff, searchest for the most nested one
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = 1/5, -- dynamic minimum time left when we will rebuff, Length * multiplier determines when we will rebuff, so 30 min with 0.1 multiplier makes it rebuffing at 3 min left on buff
Melody = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = 1800000, -- 30 min, maximum length of buff in milliseconds

Horn = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11589 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9198, -- Elixir: Horn Melody
9218, -- Elixir of Blessing - Horn Melody
9227, -- Mentor's Poem of Horn
9273, -- Horn Melody - PC Cafe
9280, -- Horn Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9331, -- Horn Melody - Refined Cocktail
11517, -- Horn Melody
11589, -- Horn Frenzy
14738, -- Olympiad - Horn Melody
14779, -- Master's Blessing - Horn Melody
14791, -- Master's Blessing - Horn Melody (Range)

Drum = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11590 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9199, -- Elixir: Drum Melody
9219, -- Elixir of Blessing - Drum Melody
9228, -- Mentor's Poem of Drum
9274, -- Drum Melody - PC Cafe
9281, -- Drum Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9332, -- Drum Melody - Refined Cocktail
11518, -- Drum Melody
11590, -- Drum Frenzy
14739, -- Olympiad - Drum Melody
14780, -- Master's Blessing - Drum Melody
14792, -- Master's Blessing - Drum Melody (Range)
22213, -- Mysterious Scroll - Drum Melody

PipeOrgan = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11591 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9201, -- Elixir: Pipe Organ Melody
9221, -- Elixir of Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
9230, -- Mentor's Poem of Organ
9276, -- Pipe Organ Melody - PC Cafe
9283, -- Pipe Organ Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9334, -- Pipe Organ Melody - Refined Cocktail
11519, -- Pipe Organ Melody
11591, -- Pipe Organ Frenzy
14607, -- Cry of Fate - Pipe Organ Melody
14693, -- Cry of Fate - Pipe Organ Melody
14740, -- Olympiad - Pipe Organ Melody
14781, -- Master's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
14793, -- Master's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody (Range)
23364, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
23365, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
23366, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
23367, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
23368, -- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody

Guitar = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11592 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9202, -- Elixir: Guitar Melody
9222, -- Elixir of Blessing - Guitar Melody
9231, -- Mentor's Poem of Guitar
9277, -- Guitar Melody - PC Cafe
9284, -- Guitar Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9335, -- Guitar Melody - Refined Cocktail
11520, -- Guitar Melody
11592, -- Guitar Frenzy
14741, -- Olympiad - Guitar Melody
14782, -- Master's Blessing - Guitar Melody
14794, -- Master's Blessing - Guitar Melody (Range)
23369, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
23370, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
23371, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
23372, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
23373, -- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody

Harp = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11593 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9203, -- Elixir: Harp Melody
9223, -- Elixir of Blessing - Harp Melody
9232, -- Mentor's Poem of Harp
9278, -- Harp Melody - PC Cafe
9285, -- Harp Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9336, -- Harp Melody - Refined Cocktail
11521, -- Harp Melody
11593, -- Harp Frenzy
14742, -- Olympiad - Harp Melody
14783, -- Master's Blessing - Harp Melody
14795, -- Master's Blessing - Harp Melody (Range)
23374, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
23375, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
23376, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
23377, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
23378, -- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody

Lute = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11594 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
9200, -- Elixir: Lute Melody
9220, -- Elixir of Blessing - Lute Melody
9229, -- Mentor's Poem of Lute
9275, -- Lute Melody - PC Cafe
9282, -- Lute Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
9333, -- Lute Melody - Refined Cocktail
11522, -- Lute Melody
11594, -- Lute Frenzy
14743, -- Olympiad - Lute Melody
14784, -- Master's Blessing - Lute Melody
14796, -- Master's Blessing - Lute Melody (Range)
23359, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
23360, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
23361, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
23362, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
23363, -- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody

Sonata = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = 350000, -- 5 min

Prevailing = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11600 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
11610, -- Prevailing Dance
11600, -- Frenzied Prevailing Sonata
11607, -- Prevailing Song
11529, -- Prevailing Sonata
14993, -- Master's Blessing - Prevailing Sonata
14996, -- Master's Blessing - Prevailing Sonata (range)

Daring = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11601 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
11611, -- Daring Dance
11530, -- Daring Sonata
11608, -- Daring Song
11601, -- Frenzied Daring Sonata
14994, -- Master's Blessing - Daring Sonata
14997, -- Master's Blessing - Daring Sonata (range)

Refreshing = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11602 },
NeedTarget = false,

Buffs = {
11532, -- Refreshing Sonata
11602, -- Frenzied Refreshing Sonata
11609, -- Refreshing Song
11612, -- Refreshing Dance
11602, -- Frenzied Refreshing Sonata
14995, -- Master's Blessing - Refreshing Sonata
14998, -- Master's Blessing - Refreshing Sonata (range

Protection = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = 1800000, -- 30 min

Elemental = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Skills = { 11565 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
1352, -- Elemental Protection
11565, -- Elemental Protection
11790, -- Superior Elemental Protection
23247, -- Master's Blessing - Elemental Protection
23295, -- Master's Blessing - Elemental Protection

Divine = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Skills = { 11566, 803 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
11566, -- Divine Protection
1353, -- Divine Protection
803, -- Healer Ability - Divine Protection

Mental = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Skills = { 11567 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
11567, -- Mental Protection

Harmony = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
Length = 1800000, -- 30 min

Knight = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11595 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
9376, -- Mentor Guardian's Harmony
11523, -- Knight's Harmony
11595, -- Knight's Frenzied Harmony
14744, -- Olympiad - Guardian's Harmony
14785, -- Master's Blessing - Guardian's Harmony
14797, -- Master's Blessing - Guardian's Harmony (Range)

Warrior = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11596 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
9378, -- Mentor's Berserker's Harmony
11524, -- Warrior's Harmony
11596, -- Warrior's Frenzied Harmony
14745, -- Olympiad - Berserker's Harmony
14786, -- Master's Blessing - Berserker's Harmony
14798, -- Master's Blessing - Berserker's Harmony (Range)

Wizard = {
MinTimeLeft = nil,
LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
Length = nil,
Skills = { 11597 },
NeedTarget = true,

Buffs = {
9377, -- Mentor's Magician's Harmony
11525, -- Wizard's Harmony
11597, -- Wizard's Frenzied Harmony
14746, -- Olympiad - Magician's Harmony
14787, -- Master's Blessing - Magician's Harmony
14799, -- Master's Blessing - Magician's Harmony (Range)

function GetRebuffTimeLeft( buffsC, skillId)
if buffsC and tar and skillId or not safeCode then
if type(buffsC) == "table" then
for Type,vT in pairs(buffsC) do
if type(vT) == "table" then
for lBuff,vlB in pairs(vT) do
if type(vlB) == "table" then
for i=1,#vlB.Skills do
if vlB.Skills[i] == skillId then
local l = vlB.Length or vT.Length or 0
local m = vlB.LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier or vT.LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier or buffsC.LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier or 0
local mtl = vlB.MinTimeLeft or vT.MinTimeLeft or buffsC.MinTimeLeft or 0
return math.max(l * m, mtl)

return nil

function GetHarmonyType( classesC, tar )
if tar and classesC or not safeCode then
if type(classesC) == "table" then
for Type,vT in pairs(classesC) do
if type(vT) == "table" then
for SubType,vS in pairs(vT) do
if type(vS) == "table" then
for i=1,#vS do
c = tar:GetClass()
if c == vS[i][1] then
harmony = vS[i][2]
return harmony

return nil

function BuffInfo( buffsC, tar, skillId )
if buffsC and tar and skillId or not safeCode then
if type(buffsC) == "table" then
for Type,vT in pairs(buffsC) do
if type(vT) == "table" then
for lBuff,vlB in pairs(vT) do
if type(vlB) == "table" then
for i=1,#vlB.Skills do
if vlB.Skills[i] == skillId then
if type(vlB.Buffs) == "table" then
timeLeft = 86400000
for j=1,#vlB.Buffs do
buff = tar:GetBuff(vlB.Buffs[j])
if buff then
timeLeft = buff.endTime - GetTime()
return true, vlB.NeedTarget, vlB.Buffs[j], timeLeft
return false, vlB.NeedTarget, nil, nil

return false

function CastBuff( skills, buffsC, tar, id, dist, justCheck )
if skills and buffsC and tar and tar:GetHp() ~= 0 and id and dist or not safeCode then

local hasBuff, needTarget, _, timeLeft = BuffInfo( buffsC, tar, id )
local rtl = GetRebuffTimeLeft( buffsC, id)
if not hasBuff or rtl and timeLeft and timeLeft <= rtl and timeLeft > 0 then
if justCheck then
return true

local skill = skills:FindById(id)
if skill and skill:CanBeUsed() then
for d=dist-50,50,-100 do
if not tar or tar:GetHpPercent() == 0 then
return false

--if tar:GetDistance() > dist or not tar:CanSeeMe() then
if tar:GetDistance() > dist then
--loc = tar:GetLocation()
--MoveTo(loc.X, loc.Y, loc.Z, d)
tar = GetUserById(tar:GetId())

if needTarget then
for i=1,5 do
myTar = GetTarget()
if myTar and myTar:GetId() == tar:GetId() then
return true
return true

return false

function BuffHarmony( skills, buffsC, classesC, tar, justCheck )
if skills and buffsC and classesC and tar and harmonies or not safeCode then

local ht = GetHarmonyType(classesC, tar)
if ht or not safeCode then
local harmony = buffsC.Harmony[ht]
for i=1,#harmony.Skills do
if CastBuff( skills, buffsC, tar, harmony.Skills[i], 900, justCheck ) then
return true

return false

local LastBuffTime = GetTime()
function BuffTarget( skills, buffsC, classesC, tar, justCheck )
if skills and buffsC and classesC and tar or not safeCode then
if type(buffsC) == "table" then
for BT,vBT in pairs(buffsC) do
if BT == "Harmony" then
if BuffHarmony( skills, buffsC, classesC, tar, justCheck ) then
LastBuffTime = GetTime()
return true
if type(vBT) == "table" then
for kB,vB in pairs(vBT) do
if type(vB) == "table" and type(vB.Skills) == "table" then
for i=1,#vB.Skills do
if CastBuff( skills, buffsC, tar, vB.Skills[i], 900, justCheck ) then
LastBuffTime = GetTime()
return true

return false

function BuffParty( skills, buffsC, classesC, distance, justCheck, names )
if skills and buffsC and classesC and distance and (names or not justCheck) or not safeCode then

local me = GetMe()
if BuffTarget( skills, buffsC, classesC, me, justCheck ) then
return true

local party = GetPartyList()
for p in party.list do
if not (names and not (justCheck)) and p:GetDistance() < distance and BuffTarget( skills, buffsC, classesC, p, justCheck ) then
return true

return false

function PartyNeedBuffs( skills, buffsC, classesC, distance, justCheck, names )
return BuffParty( skills, buffsC, classesC, distance, true, names )

function BuffPartyAndLeave( skills, buffsC, classesC, distance, names )
if PartyNeedBuffs( skills, buffsC, classesC, distance ) then
BuffParty( skills, buffsC, classesC, distance )
elseif GetPartyMaster() then
if GetTime() - LastBuffTime > LeaveAfterBuffsTimeout then

function Invite( names )
if me and names and names.Leader == me:GetName() and names.Iss or not safeCode then
tar = GetPlayerList():GetByName(names.Iss)
if tar and not tar:IsMyPartyMember() then
Command("/invite ".. names.Iss)
return true
return false

function Main()
local me = GetMe()
if me then
if OOPMode and me:GetName() == Names.Leader then
if PartyNeedBuffs(GetSkills(), BuffsContainer, ClassesContainer, SearchDistance) then
elseif me:GetName() == Names.Iss or not OOPMode then
if not ((me:GetClass() == 173) or (me:GetClass() == 175) or (me:GetClass() == 172) or (me:GetClass() == 171) or (me:GetClass() == 174)) then
ShowToClient("ISS", "You are not ISS!")
return false

local leader = GetPlayerList():GetByName(Names.Leader)
if leader and OOPMode then
return BuffPartyAndLeave(GetSkills(), BuffsContainer, ClassesContainer, SearchDistance, Names)
return BuffParty(GetSkills(), BuffsContainer, ClassesContainer, SearchDistance)

return false

if not CheckIfRunning or not IsPaused() then
until false
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2014 10:10 AM by lampie2000.)
08-15-2014 10:09 AM
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