Yo se que hay un monton de Scripts de ISS que funcionan (o no), pero la verdad, me parecen demaciado complicados asi que decidi escribir uno que funciona y bien simple!
Todo el codigo se basa en 1 Funcion de L2Tower: GotBuff();
Esta funcion chekea si tenemos, o nuestro target tiene "determinado" buff y a partir de ese momento, toma una accion.
Basicamente, el iss Bufea, cuando pierde el buff o alguien de la party pierde el buff. No es lo mas WOW pero funciona.
NOTA: Se revisan 2 Buff y 2 Sonatas porque a veces, el juego da un "EXTRA" tiempo al buff o a la Sonata y si es asi, el script no se daria cuenta que nos quedamos sin Buff
Por otro lado, las Harmonys se DAN con el BUFF.. queda claro que si nos quedamos sin Buff, tambien nos quedamos sin Harmonys..
Para esto escribi 2 funciones: Una revisa Sonatas..
Como maneja el tema de las Sonatas, Buff y Harmonys.. Simple con los macros del juego.
Macro 1,1: Colocan las sonatas
Macro 1,2: Colocan los Buff
Macro 1,3: Colocan los nombres de sus personajes y a continuacion el Harmony
Nota: Si 2 personajes llevan el mismo Armony, coloquen /delay 1 despues del Harmony
Basicamente me Base en 3 ISS. Iss Dominator, Iss Domcryer, Iss Spectral Dancer.. osea los que tengo y pude sacar las ID de los Skills. Pero esto puede ser modificado por ustedes
La funcion CheckIssBuff() se divide en 2 partes:
1ro: Si estoy solo, me Bufeo a mi y me controlo a mi.
Luego... al invitar a alguien a la party, verifico si tienen o no Buff. Yo uso Dominators, osea que me daria lo mismo, pero agregue esto por si cargo otro tipo de iss.
local partylist = GetPartyList();-- No Globalfor member in partylist.list doif(member ~=nil)andnot(me:IsAlikeDeath())then
ISSSonata(member);-- Sonatas Party
ISSBuff(member);-- Buff + Harmony Partyend;end;
Y por ultimo Corresponde agrego un Checkeo de Classes, para tratar de dar el buff correcto. En caso de que no sea Dominator o Spectral Dancer, trata de Bufear como Doomcryer sea el iss que sea. Como mencione antes, no tengo mas id de skills de otras razas de iss.
Para las proximas versiones ya le agregue 2 cosas importantes.
Curar y Revivir.
Ahi dejo el primer Codigo. Yo lo corri unas horas con Dominator y Doomcryer sin problemas. Quiero q mi Spectral dancer llegue ya a 99 y no lo puedo sacar de la party leveando X) hehe.
-- L2TOWER: LUA - TinyISS Buff v.01 fix.1 (dancer) | Solo + Party Buff | rORUMI-- Put in 1,1 macro -> sonatas: Drag your Sonatas Skills in the macro list-- Put in 1,2 macro -> Buff: Drag your Buffer Skills in the macro slots-- Put in 1,3 macro -> /target your char name, then drag the Harmony in next slot for you and next do the same to all your chars------------------------------------------------------
ShowToClient("GOD", "TinyISS ACTIVE", 3);--ID's-TinyISS------------------------------------------Self-Buff-------------------------------------------[ISS+85 DOMINATOR]
HornFrenzyDomiID =11589;-- Horn Frenzy
DrumFrenzyDomiID =11590;-- Drum Frenzy
PrevailingSonataDomiID =11600;-- Frenzied Prevailing Sonata
DaringSonataDomiID =11601;-- Frenzied Daring Sonata--Self-Buff-------------------------------------------[ISS+85 SPECTRAL DANCER] (Melody id = Doomcryer)
HornMelodyDancerID =11517;-- Horn Melody
DrumMelodyDancerID =11518;-- Drum Melody
PrevailingDanceDancerID =11610;-- Prevailing Dance
DaringDanceDancerID =11611;-- Daring Dance--Self-Buff-------------------------------------------[ISS+85 DOOMCRYER]
HornMelodyDoomID =11517;-- Horn Melody
DrumMelodyDoomID =11518;-- Drum Melody
PrevailingSonataDoomID =11529;-- Prevailing Sonata
DaringSonataDoomID =11530;-- Daring Sonata-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CheckIssBuff [OK] | Check the ID skills in my buff skills------------------------------------------------------function CheckIssBuff()local me = GetMe();-- No Global-- Soloif(me ~=nil)andnot(me:IsAlikeDeath())then
ISSSonata(me);-- Sonatas Solo
ISSBuff(me);-- Buff + Harmony Soloend;-- in Partylocal partyList = GetPartyList();-- No Globalfor member in partyList.list doif(member ~=nil)andnot(me:IsAlikeDeath())then
ISSSonata(member);-- Sonatas Party
ISSBuff(member);-- Buff + Harmony Partyend;end;end;function ISSSonata(member)local me = GetMe();-- No Globalif(me ~=nil)andnot(me:IsAlikeDeath())thenifnot(member:GotBuff(CheckSonataID1))ornot(member:GotBuff(CheckSonataID2))then
Command("/useshortcut 1 1");
Sleep(5*1000);-- 5secend;end;end;function ISSBuff(member)local me = GetMe();-- No Globalif(me ~=nil)andnot(me:IsAlikeDeath())thenifnot(member:GotBuff(CheckBuffID1))ornot(member:GotBuff(CheckBuffID2))then
Command("/useshortcut 1 2");
Sleep(15*1000);-- 15sec
Sleep(1000)end;end;end;function ISSHarmony()local me = GetMe();-- No Globalif(me ~=nil)andnot(me:IsAlikeDeath())then
Command("/useshortcut 1 3");
Sleep(10*1000);-- 10 secend;end;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------function MainTinyIss()local me = GetMe();-- No Global-- IssDominator = 174 if(GetMe():GetClass()==174)then
CheckBuffID1 = HornFrenzyDomiID;
CheckBuffID2 = DrumFrenzyDomiID;
CheckSonataID1 = PrevailingSonataDomiID;
CheckSonataID2 = DaringSonataDomiID;-- IssSpectralDancer = 173elseif(GetMe():GetClass()==173)then
CheckBuffID1 = HornMelodyDancerID;
CheckBuffID2 = DrumMelodyDancerID;
CheckSonataID1 = PrevailingDanceDancerID;
CheckSonataID2 = DaringDanceDancerID;-- IssDoomcryer = 175 or Anyelse
CheckBuffID1 = HornMelodyDoomID;
CheckBuffID2 = DrumMelodyDoomID;
CheckSonataID1 = PrevailingSonataDoomID;
CheckSonataID2 = DaringSonataDoomID;end;
CheckIssBuff();-- Let Check Buffend;--End-TinyIss-----------------------------------------repeatifnot IsPaused()then--Check Clase: | IssHierophant = 171 | IssSwordMuse = 172 | IssSpectralDancer = 173 | IssDominator = 174 | IssDoomcryer = 175if(GetMe():GetClass()==171)or(GetMe():GetClass()==172)or(GetMe():GetClass()==173)or(GetMe():GetClass()==174)or(GetMe():GetClass()==175)thenifnot(GetMe():IsBlocked(true))then-- and not (GetMe():GetMpPercent() == 100)
Sleep(30*1000);-- 30sec end;end;--not pauseduntilfalse;
Basicamos ahora quedaria mas completo con el agregado de condicines para que no cometa errores por la distancia de la party, quedarse sin MP por curar demaciado, Revivir, Veridicar si estan los personajes vivos antes de volver a Bufear, etc
Agregado a 0.2:
- fix Dancer
- Iss Heal
- Iss Ress
- MpStop para que el Heal no se coma todo el MP
- Rango de Accion para cuando esta en party y se aleja mucho no tome como que esta sin buff
- Revision de esperar a Bufear hasta que el personaje o los personajes de la party no esten muertos.. jeje
Agregado a 0.2 Fix 1. Pequeño Arreglo de condiciones, para que pueda curar y no Resucitar, o Resucitar sin curar..
Espero que le sea util X)
TinyISS v0.2 : Buff in SOLO + Party + Ress + Heal + PartyRange + MPCheck
-- Solo + Party Buff + Iss Heal + Iss Ress + Check Range Party + Mp Low Stop-- Put in 1,1 macro -> sonatas: Drag your Sonatas Skills in the macro list-- Put in 1,2 macro -> Buff: Drag your Buffer Skills in the macro slots-- Put in 1,3 macro -> /target your char name, then drag the Harmony in next slot for you and next do the same to all your chars------------------------------------------------------
ShowToClient("GOD", "TinyISS ACTIVE", 3);--ID's-TinyISS------------------------------------------Self-Buff-------------------------------------------[ISS+85 DOMINATOR]
HornFrenzyDomiID =11589;-- Horn Frenzy
DrumFrenzyDomiID =11590;-- Drum Frenzy
PrevailingSonataDomiID =11600;-- Frenzied Prevailing Sonata
DaringSonataDomiID =11601;-- Frenzied Daring Sonata--Self-Buff-------------------------------------------[ISS+85 SPECTRAL DANCER] (Melody id = Doomcryer)
HornMelodyDancerID =11517;-- Horn Melody
DrumMelodyDancerID =11518;-- Drum Melody
PrevailingDanceDancerID =11610;-- Prevailing Dance
DaringDanceDancerID =11611;-- Daring Dance--Self-Buff-------------------------------------------[ISS+85 DOOMCRYER]
HornMelodyDoomID =11517;-- Horn Melody
DrumMelodyDoomID =11518;-- Drum Melody
PrevailingSonataDoomID =11529;-- Prevailing Sonata
DaringSonataDoomID =11530;-- Daring Sonata--------------------------------------------------------Config----------------------------------------------
MPStop =40;-- MP % To Stop Some Actions
partyRangeCheck =700;-- Max Range to check party buff
mustRess =true;-- Must I do ISS Ress?
mustHeal =true;-- Must I do ISS Heal?------------------------------------------------------
ressSkillIssID =11564;-- Angel's Resurrection
healingMelodyID =11570;-- Healing Melody--flags-----------------------------------------------
flagCheckMyClass =true;-- true 1st check time, then false | We want check our class only 1 time.--------------------------------------------------------CastOnTarget() [OK]| Autocast de skillsfunction CastOnTarget(id,target)if id thenlocal MySkills = GetSkills():FindById(id)if MySkills and(MySkills:CanBeUsed())then
CancelTarget(false);returntrueend;end;returnfalseend;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CheckIssBuff [OK] | Check the ID skills in my buff skills------------------------------------------------------function CheckIssBuff()local me = GetMe();-- No Global-- Soloif(me ~=nil)andnot(me:IsAlikeDeath())then
ISSSonata(me);-- Sonatas Solo
ISSBuff(me);-- Buff + Harmony Soloend;-- in Partylocal partyList = GetPartyList();-- No Globalfor member in partyList.list doif(member ~=nil)andnot(member:IsAlikeDeath())and(me ~=nil)andnot(me:IsAlikeDeath())and(me:GetRangeTo(member)< partyRangeCheck)then
ISSSonata(member);-- Sonatas Party
ISSBuff(member);-- Buff + Harmony Partyend;end;end;function ISSSonata(member)local me = GetMe();-- No Globalif(me ~=nil)andnot(me:IsAlikeDeath())thenifnot(member:GotBuff(CheckSonataID1))ornot(member:GotBuff(CheckSonataID2))then
Command("/useshortcut 1 1");
Sleep(5*1000);-- 5secend;end;end;function ISSBuff(member)local me = GetMe();-- No Globalif(me ~=nil)andnot(me:IsAlikeDeath())thenifnot(member:GotBuff(CheckBuffID1))ornot(member:GotBuff(CheckBuffID2))then
Command("/useshortcut 1 2");
Sleep(15*1000);-- 15sec
Sleep(1000)end;end;end;function ISSHarmony()local me = GetMe();-- No Globalif(me ~=nil)andnot(me:IsAlikeDeath())then
Command("/useshortcut 1 3");
Sleep(15*1000);-- 15 secend;end;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NeedRessParty | [OK] - ISS Res-- Requiere: CastOnTarget()------------------------------------------------------function NeedRessParty()-- |r: true|false if any deadlocal me = GetMe();-- No Globallocal partyList = GetPartyList();-- No Globalfor member in partyList.list do-- partyList: Ress para party - playerList: ress para cualquiera cercaif(member:IsAlikeDeath())and(me:GetRangeTo(member)< partyRangeCheck)then
CastOnTarget(ressSkillIssID, member);-- Ress
Sleep (300)returntrue;end;end;returnfalse;end;-------------------------------------------------------- IssHealParty() | [OK] - ISS Heal-- Requiere: CastOnTarget()------------------------------------------------------function IssHealParty()local me = GetMe();-- No Globallocal partyList = GetPartyList();-- No Globalfor member in partyList.list do-- partyList: Ress para party - playerList: ress para cualquiera cercaif(member ~=nil)andnot(member:IsAlikeDeath())and(member:GetHpPercent()<60)and(me:GetRangeTo(member)< partyRangeCheck)and(me:GetMpPercent()> MPStop)then
CastOnTarget(healingMelodyID, member);-- Heal
Sleep (300)end;end;end;-- fn------------------------------------------------------function CheckMyClass()-- flag: 1 time checkif flagCheckMyClass then-- IssDominator = 174 if(GetMe():GetClass()==174)then
CheckBuffID1 = HornFrenzyDomiID;
CheckBuffID2 = DrumFrenzyDomiID;
CheckSonataID1 = PrevailingSonataDomiID;
CheckSonataID2 = DaringSonataDomiID;-- IssSpectralDancer = 173elseif(GetMe():GetClass()==173)then
CheckBuffID1 = HornMelodyDancerID;
CheckBuffID2 = DrumMelodyDancerID;
CheckSonataID1 = PrevailingDanceDancerID;
CheckSonataID2 = DaringDanceDancerID;-- IssDoomcryer = 175 or Anyelse
CheckBuffID1 = HornMelodyDoomID;
CheckBuffID2 = DrumMelodyDoomID;
CheckSonataID1 = PrevailingSonataDoomID;
CheckSonataID2 = DaringSonataDoomID;end;end;
flagCheckMyClass =false;end;--fn-------------------------------------------------------function MainTinyIss()local me = GetMe();-- No Global
CheckMyClass();if mustRess thenifnot NeedRessParty()thenif mustHeal then
CheckIssBuff();-- Let Check Buffend;-- fn--End-TinyIss-----------------------------------------repeatifnot IsPaused()then--Check Clase: | IssHierophant = 171 | IssSwordMuse = 172 | IssSpectralDancer = 173 | IssDominator = 174 | IssDoomcryer = 175if(GetMe():GetClass()==171)or(GetMe():GetClass()==172)or(GetMe():GetClass()==173)or(GetMe():GetClass()==174)or(GetMe():GetClass()==175)thenifnot(GetMe():IsBlocked(true))then-- and not (GetMe():GetMpPercent() == 100)
Sleep(30*1000);-- 30sec end;end;--not pauseduntilfalse;
Agregado a 0.3:
-- v.03
-- OOP BUFF Mode Single ISS + Your Char. Just Active Follow at GUI, Config the Char Name an set "true" in OOP
-- OOP HEAL -> Ahora se puede curar al personaje que esta leveando estando fuera de la party
-- OOP HEAL Any -> Tambien se puede curar personajes en rango, por mas que no sean de nuestro clan estando el OOP
-- Buff time Check -> Ya no se pierden los buff entre re-buff y re-buff
-- Algunas party del codigo ahora no se repiten mas de 1 vez... solo cuando se activa el script
TinyISS v0.3 : Buff in SOLO + Party + OOP + Ress + Heal + PartyRange + MPCheck
-- L2TOWER: LUA - TinyISS Buff v.03 RC1| rORUMI-------------------------------------------------[[ History
-- v.03
-- OOP BUFF Mode Single ISS + Your Char. Just Active Follow at GUI, Config the Char Name an set "true" in OOP
-- OOP HEAL Clan Members
-- OOP HEAL Any Char in Range
-- Buff time Check to avoid loose Buff in Solo, Party or OOP mode
-- Check only one time some part of code
-- v.02
- fix Dancer ID
- Iss Heal in party
- Iss Ress in Party
- MpStop
- Party Range
- Buff Only if char is Alive
-- v.01
- Iss Buff in party using macros
--]]-- Solo + Party Buff + Iss Heal + Iss Ress + Check Range Party + Mp Low Stop + OOP ISS-DD + Buff Time Check-- Put in 1,1 macro -> sonatas: Drag your Sonatas Skills in the macro list-- Put in 1,2 macro -> Buff: Drag your Buffer Skills in the macro slots-- Put in 1,3 macro -> /target your char name, then drag the Harmony in next slot for you and next do the same to all your chars-- Note: OOP Mode: Add yout ISS Name L2Tower GUI in Party -> Auto Accept ON -> Add Player------------------------------------------------------
ShowToClient("Script", "TinyISS v.03 RC1 ACTIVE", 3);--ID's-TinyISS------------------------------------------Config----------------------------------------------
MPStop =30;-- MP % To Stop Some Actions
partyRangeCheck =900;-- Max Range to check party buff
issHealRangeCheck =400;-- Max Range to check Iss Heal
mustRessPT =true;-- Must I do ISS Ress in party?
mustHealPT =true;-- Must I do ISS Heal in party?
mustHealOOPClan =true;-- Must I do ISS Heal out of party clan member (Nice to Power Leveling Clan Members)
mustHealOOPAny =false;-- Must I do ISS Heal out of party ANY member (Your ISS heal ANY char in Range)-------------------------------------------------------- OOP-MODE-------------------------------------------
IssOOP =false;-- if true, iss will invite another char and leave, SET false to ISS in Party
CharName ="NCBot"-- Your Char Name to invite--Config END--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Skills-ID-------------------------------------------
ressSkillIssID =11564;-- Angel's Resurrection
healingMelodyID =11570;-- Healing Melody--flags--(Please Dont Change)-------------------------
flagCheckMyBuff =true;-- true 1st check time, then false | We want check our class only 1 time.
flagCheckMyClass =false;-- false 1st check time when check to avoid repeat-------------------------------------------------------- CHANGE HERE IF YOU HAVE ANOTHER ISS AND THIS SCRIPT DONT WORK--------------------------------------------------------Self-Buff-------------------------------------------[ISS+85 DOMINATOR]
HornFrenzyDomiID =11589;-- Horn Frenzy
DrumFrenzyDomiID =11590;-- Drum Frenzy
PrevailingSonataDomiID =11600;-- Frenzied Prevailing Sonata
DaringSonataDomiID =11601;-- Frenzied Daring Sonata--Self-Buff-------------------------------------------[ISS+85 SPECTRAL DANCER] (Melody id = Doomcryer)
HornMelodyDancerID =11517;-- Horn Melody
DrumMelodyDancerID =11518;-- Drum Melody
PrevailingDanceDancerID =11610;-- Prevailing Dance
DaringDanceDancerID =11611;-- Daring Dance--Self-Buff-------------------------------------------[ISS+85 DOOMCRYER]
HornMelodyDoomID =11517;-- Horn Melody
DrumMelodyDoomID =11518;-- Drum Melody
PrevailingSonataDoomID =11529;-- Prevailing Sonata
DaringSonataDoomID =11530;-- Daring Sonata--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CastOnTarget() [OK]| Autocast de skillsfunction CastOnTarget(id,target)if id thenlocal MySkills = GetSkills():FindById(id)if MySkills and(MySkills:CanBeUsed())then
CancelTarget(false);returntrueendendreturnfalseend------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------function CheckIssBuff()-- Soloif(GetMe() ~=nil)andnot(GetMe():IsAlikeDeath())thenifnot(GetMe():GotBuff(CheckSonataID1))ornot(GetMe():GotBuff(CheckSonataID2))then DoBuff()end;
Sleep(1000)ifnot(GetMe():GotBuff(CheckSonataID1))ornot(GetMe():GotBuff(CheckSonataID2))then DoSonatas()end;
Sleep(1000)end-- in Partylocal partyList = GetPartyList();for member in partyList.list doif(member ~=nil)andnot(member:IsAlikeDeath())and(GetMe() ~=nil)andnot(GetMe():IsAlikeDeath())and(GetMe():GetRangeTo(member)< partyRangeCheck)then
ISSSonata(member);-- Sonatas Party
ISSBuff(member);-- Buff + Harmony Party
Sleep(1000)endendendfunction ISSSonata(member)if(GetMe() ~=nil)andnot(GetMe():IsAlikeDeath())thenifnot(member:GotBuff(CheckSonataID1))ornot(member:GotBuff(CheckSonataID2))then
Command("/useshortcut 1 1");
Sleep(5*1000);-- 5sec
CancelTarget(true);endendendfunction ISSBuff(member)if(GetMe() ~=nil)andnot(GetMe():IsAlikeDeath())thenifnot(member:GotBuff(CheckBuffID1))ornot(member:GotBuff(CheckBuffID2))then
Command("/useshortcut 1 2");
Sleep(15*1000);-- 15sec
Sleep(1000);endendendfunction ISSHarmony()if(GetMe() ~=nil)andnot(GetMe():IsAlikeDeath())then
Command("/useshortcut 1 3");
Sleep(15*1000);-- 15 sec
CancelTarget(true);endendfunction DoSonatas()-- Solo + oopif(GetMe() ~=nil)andnot(GetMe():IsAlikeDeath())thenif IssOOP then OOPInvite();
Command("/useshortcut 1 1");
Sleep(5*1000);-- 5sec
Command("/useshortcut 1 1");
Sleep(5*1000);-- 5secendendend--fnfunction DoBuff()-- Solo + oopif(GetMe() ~=nil)andnot(GetMe():IsAlikeDeath())thenif IssOOP then
Command("/useshortcut 1 2");
Sleep(15*1000);-- 15sec
Command("/useshortcut 1 2");
Sleep(15*1000);-- 15sec
Sleep(5*1000);endendend--fnfunction TimeCheck()local sonataTime = GetMe():GetBuff(CheckSonataID1);local buffTime = GetMe():GetBuff(CheckBuffID1);local timeToSonatas =(60*1000);-- 1 minlocal timeToBuff =(3*60*1000);-- 5 minif sonataTime then
timeLeftS = sonataTime.endTime - GetTime();if(tonumber(timeLeftS)< timeToSonatas)then
DoSonatas();endendif buffTime then
timeLeftB = buffTime.endTime - GetTime();if(tonumber(timeLeftB)< timeToBuff)then
DoBuff();endendend-- fn--END-BUFF--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------function IssRessParty()-- |r: true|false if any deadlocal partyList = GetPartyList();-- No Globalfor member in partyList.list do-- partyList: Ress para party - playerList: ress para cualquiera cercaif(member:IsAlikeDeath())and(GetMe():GetRangeTo(member)< partyRangeCheck)then
Sleep (20*1000)-- 20sec w8 healer Ress | in party, maybe you have a Haler Better
CastOnTarget(ressSkillIssID, member);-- Ress
Sleep (5*1000)-- 5sec
DoBuff();endendend--fn------------------------------------------------------function IssHealParty()local partyList = GetPartyList();for member in partyList.list doif(member ~=nil)andnot(member:IsAlikeDeath())and(member:GetHpPercent()<80)and(GetMe():GetRangeTo(member)< partyRangeCheck)and(GetMe():GetMpPercent()> MPStop)then
CastOnTarget(healingMelodyID, member);-- ISS HP Heal
Sleep (500)endendend-- fnfunction IssHealClanOOPClan()local players = GetPlayerList();for player in players.list doif(player ~=nil)and(player:GetClanName()== GetMe():GetClanName())andnot(player:IsMyPartyMember())andnot(player:IsAlikeDeath())and(player:GetHpPercent()<80)and(player:GetDistance()< issHealRangeCheck)and(GetMe() ~=nil)andnot(GetMe():IsAlikeDeath())and(GetMe():GetMpPercent()> MPStop)then
CastOnTarget(healingMelodyID, player);-- ISS HP Heal OOP Clan members
Sleep (1000)endendend-- fnfunction IssHealClanOOPAny()local players = GetPlayerList();for player in players.list doif(player ~=nil)andnot(player:IsAlikeDeath())and(player:GetHpPercent()<80)andnot(player:IsMyPartyMember())and(player:GetDistance()< issHealRangeCheck)and(GetMe() ~=nil)andnot(GetMe():IsAlikeDeath())and(GetMe():GetMpPercent()> MPStop)then
CastOnTarget(healingMelodyID, player);-- ISS HP Heal OOP Any Near
Sleep (1000)endendend-- fn--OOP-------------------------------------------------function OOPInvite()if(CharName ~=nil)then
Command("/invite "..CharName)
Sleep(5*1000)-- 5 secelse
ShowToClient("TinyISS", "Bad Char Name, or too Far. ISS cant Invite...", 3);
Sleep(30*1000)-- 30 secendend--fnfunction OOPLeave()
Sleep(1000)-- 1 sec
Sleep(1000)-- 1 secend--fn--end-OOP---------------------------------------------function CheckMyBuff()-- flag: 1 time check-- IssDominator = 174 if(GetMe():GetClass()==174)then
CheckBuffID1 = HornFrenzyDomiID;
CheckBuffID2 = DrumFrenzyDomiID;
CheckSonataID1 = PrevailingSonataDomiID;
CheckSonataID2 = DaringSonataDomiID;-- IssSpectralDancer = 173elseif(GetMe():GetClass()==173)then
CheckBuffID1 = HornMelodyDancerID;
CheckBuffID2 = DrumMelodyDancerID;
CheckSonataID1 = PrevailingDanceDancerID;
CheckSonataID2 = DaringDanceDancerID;-- IssDoomcryer = 175 or Anyelse
CheckBuffID1 = HornMelodyDoomID;
CheckBuffID2 = DrumMelodyDoomID;
CheckSonataID1 = PrevailingSonataDoomID;
CheckSonataID2 = DaringSonataDoomID;end
flagCheckMyBuff =false;end--fn-------------------------------------------------------function MainTinyIss()if flagCheckMyBuff then CheckMyBuff()end;----------------------------------------------if mustRessPT then IssRessParty()end;----------------------------------------------if mustHealPT then IssHealParty()end;if mustHealOOPClan then IssHealClanOOPClan()end;if mustHealOOPAny then IssHealClanOOPAny()end;----------------------------------------------
CheckIssBuff();-- Let Check Buff
TimeCheck();-- Let Check the time of Buff
Sleep(5*1000)end-- fn--End-TinyIss-----------------------------------------function CheckMyClass()ifnot flagCheckMyClass then--Check Clase: | IssHierophant = 171 | IssSwordMuse = 172 | IssSpectralDancer = 173 | IssDominator = 174 | IssDoomcryer = 175if(GetMe():GetClass()==171)or(GetMe():GetClass()==172)or(GetMe():GetClass()==173)or(GetMe():GetClass()==174)or(GetMe():GetClass()==175)then
flagCheckMyClass =true;endendend-- fnrepeatifnot IsPaused()then
CheckMyClass();-- 1 timeif flagCheckMyClass thenifnot(GetMe():IsBlocked(true))then
Sleep(10*1000);-- pausedend--not pauseduntilfalse;
(This post was last modified: 10-28-2014 08:51 AM by rORUMI.)
Muy bueno y realmente bien explicado.
Yo anteriormente había hecho uno para un amigo basándome en una tabla para buffear con la misma función que vos usas, si la encuentro posteo el codigo.
(09-07-2014 03:33 AM)mardukx Wrote: +2 de reputation men sigue asi
Dale. Ahi estoy mirando el tema de la distancia entre miembros del party. Si se alejan mucho el iss cree que no tienen buff y se pone a bufear como loco hasta que se queda sin mp.
Obvio que si configuras el GUI con Follow activo, esto no pasa.. pero por las dudas hay que darle una condicion de "distancia maxima" para evitar esto.