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nProtect GameGuard private server
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rizlas00 Offline

Posts: 4
Joined: Mar 2015
Reputation: 0
Post: #1
nProtect GameGuard private server

Hi guys,
im trying to run l2 Tower on a private server after an update who introduce nProtect GameGuard. I tried dsetup v2 file but it's not working. With many try i get protocol different or client close. Now im stuck.

Here is the files of my system. Hope someone can help. Thanks a lot!

EDIT news= i tried this solution for l2mid http://forum.l2tower.eu/thread-l2mid-bypass, i was able to pass the login screen but when i reached the game the client crashed. It's too fast to reach the injector. (it pass the login screen only with an older tower version)

27/03/2015  18:44            10.672 ActionName-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44               304 AdditionalEffect.dat
27/03/2015  18:44            47.152 AdditionalItemgrp.dat
27/03/2015  18:44           150.548 ALAudio.dll
27/03/2015  18:44             2.766 ALAudio.int
27/03/2015  18:44           471.856 Armorgrp.dat
27/03/2015  18:44             5.120 aswor.dll
27/03/2015  18:44           188.436 beecrypt.dll
27/03/2015  18:44             1.078 bighead.int
27/03/2015  18:44            45.104 BRItemgrp.dat
27/03/2015  18:44             1.968 CastleName-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44               560 Charcreategrp.dat
27/03/2015  18:44             6.064 Chargrp.dat
25/03/2015  21:34             1.167 chatfilter.ini
31/03/2015  00:56               246 CheckGrp.log
27/03/2015  18:44             2.352 ClassInfo-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44               454 Cloak.int
27/03/2015  18:44            91.184 ColoredSystemChat.dat
27/03/2015  18:44             1.584 CommandName-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44           953.304 Core.dll
27/03/2015  18:44             3.428 Core.int
27/03/2015  18:44            72.950 Core.u
27/03/2015  18:44           181.800 CreditFont.gly
27/03/2015  18:44               944 Creditgrp-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44         1.426.452 D3DDrv.dll
27/03/2015  18:44               422 D3DDrv.int
27/03/2015  18:44           114.708 DefOpenAL32.dll
27/03/2015  18:44            78.848 Dpst.dll
27/03/2015  18:44           775.680 dsetup-loc.dll
27/03/2015  18:44           775.680 DSetup-serv.dll
27/03/2015  18:44           888.832 DSetup.ab2
27/03/2015  18:44           911.872 DSetup.abt
27/03/2015  18:44           570.880 DSETUP.dll
27/03/2015  18:44            90.112 DSetup.id0
27/03/2015  18:44            49.152 DSetup.id1
27/03/2015  18:44            16.384 DSetup.nam
27/03/2015  18:44             5.632 DSetup.org
27/03/2015  18:44                77 DSetup.til
27/03/2015  18:44             6.817 Editor.int
27/03/2015  18:44           587.535 Editor.u
27/03/2015  18:44           150.548 encvag.dll
27/03/2015  18:44        26.636.760 Engine.dll
27/03/2015  18:44        17.285.120 Engine.id0
27/03/2015  18:44       106.553.344 Engine.id1
27/03/2015  18:44             6.915 Engine.int
27/03/2015  18:44           163.840 Engine.nam
27/03/2015  18:44                77 Engine.til
27/03/2015  18:44         2.800.954 Engine.u
27/03/2015  18:44             6.704 EnterEventgrp.dat
27/03/2015  18:44            81.408 entry.dll
27/03/2015  18:44             6.710 env.int
27/03/2015  18:44           171.312 EtcItemgrp.dat
27/03/2015  18:44            13.744 EULA-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44               816 ExceptionMinimapData.dat
27/03/2015  18:44           167.936 Fire-1.dll
27/03/2015  18:44           163.860 Fire.dll
27/03/2015  18:44            15.482 Fire.u
27/03/2015  18:44           374.804 fmodex.dll
27/03/2015  18:44           518.656 ftdsetup.dll
27/03/2015  16:33    
31/03/2015  20:08           297.665 GameGuard.des
27/03/2015  18:44           207.796 GamePlay.u
27/03/2015  18:44         1.581.920 gameShieldDll.dll
27/03/2015  18:44            15.664 gametip-e.bak
27/03/2015  18:44            17.712 GameTip-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44               176 goodsicon.dat
27/03/2015  18:44           110.933 Hair.int
27/03/2015  18:44             4.656 Hairaccessorylocgrp.dat
27/03/2015  18:44             1.968 Hennagrp-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44             7.088 HuntingZone-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44           233.492 IFC23.DLL
27/03/2015  18:44             1.328 InstantZoneData-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44         4.696.403 Interface.u
27/03/2015  18:44         1.452.221 Interface.xdat
27/03/2015  18:44           303.124 IpDrv.dll
27/03/2015  18:44             1.840 IpDrv.int
27/03/2015  18:44            73.672 IpDrv.u
27/03/2015  18:44           606.384 itemname-e.bak
27/03/2015  18:44           552.112 ItemName-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44            25.776 ItemPrime.dat
27/03/2015  18:44             4.144 l2.bak
31/03/2015  20:08         2.213.336 L2.bin
31/03/2015  20:08           434.027 l2.exe
27/03/2015  18:44             4.144 L2.ini
27/03/2015  18:44             4.144 L2.iniOriginal
27/03/2015  18:44               163 l2.int
31/03/2015  00:56               246 l2.log
31/03/2015  00:56           111.190 L2CompiledShader.bin
27/03/2015  18:44             3.516 L2ForecF.ffe
27/03/2015  18:44            45.667 L2PreCompiledShader.bin
31/03/2015  00:39               246 l2Second.log
27/03/2015  18:44             1.058 L2ui.dat
27/03/2015  18:44             1.560 LargeFont-e.gly
27/03/2015  18:44             1.540 LargeFont-ru.gly
27/03/2015  18:44           185.632 LargeFont.gly
27/03/2015  18:44           343.552 libgmp-10.dll
27/03/2015  18:44            72.704 libz-1.dll
27/03/2015  18:44               557 Lineage2us.ini
27/03/2015  18:44           116.756 LineageCreature.dll
27/03/2015  18:44            13.010 LineageCreature.u
27/03/2015  18:44             6.813 LineageDeco.u
27/03/2015  18:44         6.821.309 LineageEffect.u
27/03/2015  18:44           611.758 LineageMonster.int
27/03/2015  18:44           250.573 LineageMonster.u
27/03/2015  18:44               284 lineagemonster12.int
27/03/2015  18:44            14.775 lineagemonster12.u
27/03/2015  18:44           224.753 LineageMonster2.int
27/03/2015  18:44           180.861 LineageMonster2.u
27/03/2015  18:44            87.459 LineageMonster3.int
27/03/2015  18:44           156.830 LineageMonster3.u
27/03/2015  18:44           201.664 LineageMonster4.int
27/03/2015  18:44           210.329 LineageMonster4.u
27/03/2015  18:44            81.781 LineageMonster5.int
27/03/2015  18:44           137.581 LineageMonster5.u
27/03/2015  18:44             5.317 LineageMonster6.int
27/03/2015  18:44             4.816 LineageMonster6.u
27/03/2015  18:44             5.800 LineageMonster7.int
27/03/2015  18:44           290.849 LineageMonster7.u
27/03/2015  18:44           125.536 LineageNpc.int
27/03/2015  18:44           128.317 LineageNpc.u
27/03/2015  18:44           144.608 LineageNpc2.int
27/03/2015  18:44           477.395 LineageNpc2.u
27/03/2015  18:44               266 LineageNpc3.int
27/03/2015  18:44           148.959 LineageNpc3.u
27/03/2015  18:44               284 LineageNpc4.int
27/03/2015  18:44            12.054 LineageNpc4.u
27/03/2015  18:44             6.397 LineageNpcEV.int
27/03/2015  18:44           276.667 LineageNpcEv.u
27/03/2015  18:44            78.215 lineagenpc_br.int
27/03/2015  18:44            50.723 lineagenpc_br.u
27/03/2015  18:44           121.253 LineageSceneInfo.u
27/03/2015  18:44           580.883 LineageSkillEffect.u
27/03/2015  18:44            15.487 LineageVehicle.u
27/03/2015  18:44           356.009 LineageWarrior.int
27/03/2015  18:44            31.365 LineageWarrior.u
27/03/2015  18:44             5.617 localization.ini
27/03/2015  18:44               176 Logongrp.dat
27/03/2015  18:44             1.072 MantleException.dat
27/03/2015  18:44               471 Microsoft.VC80.OpenMP.manifest
27/03/2015  18:44           122.800 MobSkillAnimgrp.dat
27/03/2015  18:44         1.275.412 msxml4.dll
27/03/2015  18:44            44.564 msxml4a.dll
27/03/2015  18:44           163.860 msxml4g.dll
27/03/2015  18:44            82.452 msxml4r.dll
27/03/2015  18:44             5.424 MusicInfo.dat
27/03/2015  18:44           301.872 npcgrp
27/03/2015  18:44           414.640 Npcgrp.dat
27/03/2015  18:44            81.072 NpcName-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44            94.128 NpcName-ru.dat
27/03/2015  18:44           106.288 NpcString-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44           122.544 NpcString-ru.dat
27/03/2015  18:44           409.700 npkcrypt.dll
27/03/2015  18:44            23.217 npkcrypt.sys
27/03/2015  18:44            26.344 npkcrypt.vxd
27/03/2015  18:44            15.472 npkcusb.sys
27/03/2015  18:44            53.268 npkpdb.dll
27/03/2015  18:44            86.036 NSplash.dll
27/03/2015  18:44        14.268.948 NWindow.dll
27/03/2015  18:44           527.052 NWindow.u
27/03/2015  18:44               304 Obscene-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44            61.460 ogg.dll
27/03/2015  18:44           114.688 openal32.dll
30/03/2015  19:15             1.832 Option.ini
27/03/2015  18:44           169.136 optiondata_client-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44           180.784 optiondata_client-ru.dat
27/03/2015  18:44               111 optiondata_server.ini
27/03/2015  18:44               304 PostEffectData.dat
27/03/2015  18:44            68.621 Predefinedshader.bin
27/03/2015  18:44            15.152 ProductName-e+.dat
27/03/2015  18:44            17.200 ProductName-e.dat
31/03/2015  19:25               182 Protection.log
27/03/2015  18:44           291.632 QuestName-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44            34.352 RaidData-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44            31.792 Recipe-c.dat
27/03/2015  18:44               816 RideData.dat
31/03/2015  19:25                 0 Running.ini
27/03/2015  18:44               816 ScenePlayerData.dat
27/03/2015  18:44             1.072 ServerName-e-original.dat
27/03/2015  18:44             1.072 servername-e.bak
27/03/2015  18:44             1.072 ServerName-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44             2.096 ShortcutAlias.dat
27/03/2015  18:44           367.152 Skillgrp.dat
27/03/2015  18:44           742.448 SkillName-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44           103.600 SkillSoundgrp.dat
27/03/2015  18:44            13.360 SkillSoundSource.dat
27/03/2015  18:44             1.560 SmallFont-e.gly
27/03/2015  18:44             1.540 SmallFont-ru.gly
27/03/2015  18:44           181.800 SmallFont.gly
27/03/2015  18:44             2.392 soulshot.int
27/03/2015  18:44             5.680 StaticObject-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44               304 SymbolName-e.dat
31/03/2015  20:11                 0 sysasd.txt
27/03/2015  18:44            26.160 sysstring-e.bak
27/03/2015  18:44            22.064 SysString-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44            25.904 SysString-ru.dat
27/03/2015  18:44            91.184 systemmsg-e.bak
27/03/2015  18:44            82.096 SystemMsg-e.dat
31/03/2015  18:25               201 s_info.ini
27/03/2015  18:44            25.184 TimeEnv0.int
27/03/2015  18:44            26.339 TimeEnv1.int
27/03/2015  18:44            25.176 TimeEnv2.int
27/03/2015  18:44            26.001 TimeEnv3.int
27/03/2015  18:44             1.456 transformdata.dat
27/03/2015  18:44               795 TTFontInfo.ini
27/03/2015  18:44           232.414 UDebugMenu.u
27/03/2015  18:44            45.568 unichat.dll
27/03/2015  18:44             4.912 User.ini
27/03/2015  18:44           653.179 UWindow.u
27/03/2015  18:44             1.840 variationeffectgrp-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44            65.556 vcomp.dll
27/03/2015  18:44               560 VehiclePartsGrp.dat
27/03/2015  18:44           249.876 vorbis.dll
27/03/2015  18:44           106.516 vorbisfile.dll
27/03/2015  18:44           249.264 Weapongrp.dat
27/03/2015  18:44           527.005 Wform.bm
27/03/2015  18:44           508.948 Window.dll
27/03/2015  18:44             2.337 Window.int
31/03/2015  18:49             3.051 WindowsInfo.ini
27/03/2015  18:44           214.548 WinDrv.dll
27/03/2015  18:44               729 WinDrv.int
27/03/2015  18:44           409.620 wrap_oal.dll
27/03/2015  18:44             8.752 ZoneName-e.dat
27/03/2015  18:44             6.710 _env.int
(This post was last modified: 03-31-2015 21:41 PM by rizlas00.)
03-31-2015 20:43 PM
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rizlas00 Offline

Posts: 4
Joined: Mar 2015
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Post: #2
RE: nProtect GameGuard private server

Can premium account allow botting?
04-02-2015 22:01 PM
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