Lineage II Paparas Grand Opening on:
5th January 2019 at 19:00 GMT +2 Athens/Greece Timezone.
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Aprox players online: 750++
Server Features of Lineage II Paparas
Server Rates
][ Xp: x99999
][ Sp: x99999
][ Party Xp: x99999
][ Party Sp: x99999
][ Adena: x99999
][ Drop Item Karma: x15
][ Custom Starting Zone
Enchant Rates
][ Max Enchant Armor & Jewels = +16 With Blessed Scrolls
][ Max Enchant Weapon = +16 With Blessed Scrolls
][ Max Enchant Armor & Jewels = +20 With Crystall Scrolls
][ Max Enchant Weapon = +20 With With Crystall Scrolls
][ Safe Enchant = +4
][ Normal enchant scroll rate = 55%
][ Blessed enchant scroll rate = 100%
][ Crystal scrolls rate = 100%
][ Normal Scroll - If Enchant fails item broke
NPCs in Game
][ Full GM Shop up to S grade with Consumables
][ Global Gatekeeper
][ Custom Buffer WithOut Resist
][ Exchanger
][ Top 20 PvP / PK / Clan etc.
][ Class Changer (or change your class with the Pop-Up Window)
][ Boss Manager
][ Augmenter
][ Skill Enchanter
][ Vote Manager
][ Castle Manager
][ Password Changer
][ Automated Vote Reward System with Vote Coins
][ Unique server video for every new char
][ Automated Character Services System
][ All items on GM Shop - With Ancient Adena
][ Flawless Geodata
][ No corruptions
][ Instant Development
][ Auto Loot
][ No Auto Loot on Raids
][ Auto Learn all Skills
][ Grade Penalty On ][ Ingame Announcement when a Raid spawns
][ Lag free
][ 100% Uptime
][ Active Staff
][ Wedding System
][ Unique Farm Zones
][ International community
][ Custom Mage & Fighter Tattoo
][ 2 Custom Shields
][ No weight limit
][ Subclass without quest
][ Subclass starting lvl = 40
][ Max Subclasses = 5
][ You can add any subclass in Maximilian [ALL IN ONE]
][ Max Clans in Alliance = 3
][ All active/passive augments are fully working! 1 Active Or 1 Passive only
][ All flood protections
][ Newbie System
][ Lifestone Skill Chance : 30%
][ Custom red screen effect when a player dies
][ Reworked all Skills / Items & Class Balance
][ Heavy / Robe / Light System , players who don't have the mastery for it can't wear it
][ C4/C5/Interlude features/skills tested and working 99.9%
][ PvP / PK Announcer
][ PvP Color System
][ Anti - Feed System
][ Castle Sieges
][ Unique Economy System
][ Max Level 80
][ Cursed weapons
][ Weapon Augmentations
][ Dueling System
][ Offline Shop
][ NoStore System in Giran (shops allowed only in center)
][ Spawn Protection 30 secs
][ Olympiad system fully working
][ Heroes every 1 week
Event Engine
][ DeathMatch
][ Team vs Team
][ Domination
][ Double Domination
][ Last Man Standing
][ Lucky Chests
][ Simon Says
][ VIP Team vs Team
][ Capture The Flag
][ Mutant
][ Korean TvT
Join us ON 5th Jan 2019: