L2Tower Discord Let's keep the community alive with discord. Discussions about plugins and scripts L2Tower Discord

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Posts: 91,385
Threads: 25,871
Members: 348,357
Posts per day: 17.61
Threads per day: 4.98
Members per day: 67.12
Posts per member: 0.26
Replies per thread: 2.53
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Most popular forum: General Discussion - English (20,518 posts, 3,074 threads)

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--==BANHAMMER==-- (2,834 replies)
1-85 Leveling : Ultimate leveling script : All classes + Ertheia [Underground] (1,141 replies)
Portuguese Area (709 replies)
L2Tower for Infinite Odyssey update on April, 22th (524 replies)
Gameguard update 9/2 (305 replies)
Lineage2 Official Servers (295 replies)
WTS Cheap Adena On Shilen (261 replies)
How much adena you earn with botting ? (235 replies)
Reporting Scammers (211 replies)
Antibot and window limit bypass thread (210 replies)
SHILEN - CLEARANCE SALE - CHAR at low PRICE (180 replies)
WTS adena any server NCSOFT (172 replies)
--==BANHAMMER==-- (885,378 views)
1-85 Leveling : Ultimate leveling script : All classes + Ertheia [Underground] (451,867 views)
L2Tower for Infinite Odyssey update on April, 22th (350,682 views)
Portuguese Area (337,863 views)
Solo iss+summoner scripts combo (261,644 views)
Lineage2 Official Servers (245,857 views)
Very helpful to the beginners. [GUIDEs/ SCRIPTs/ PLUGINs] (207,255 views)
Tópico de Ajuda (200,725 views)
More info About L2T_v1.4.3.143 | No more official support? (184,296 views)
Gameguard update 9/2 (182,978 views)
How much adena you earn with botting ? (163,521 views)
L2e-global - Working L2 Tower Guide (148,636 views)
Antibot and window limit bypass thread (137,665 views)
Scripts & Plugins synax (133,746 views)
WTS adena any server NCSOFT (130,895 views)