Lineage 2 Tower Forum

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I leveled a lvl 87 Feoh Soultaker thinking it would be amazing and come to find out I lose the one thing that made a Necro a Necro and that was my Summon grrr or else I would have never made it. I'm also doing a Nuker Party as my subclass party. How do you setup Tower to be effective with nukers? I have to check Melee box or else the PL will not effectively move to next target. I have moved the range on Melee from 0-900 and it doesn't effect the toon running up and slapping the mob Melee style while throwing in a nuke or two here and there. I have the other nukers setup up with assist off the PL and they nuke fully automatic. I have the same issues with my Wynn's using the Weaken skills to their full effect

My 87 Feoh Soultaker I can not Duo with my SE because he will not nuke fast enough.

So I guess are people running scripts to run nukers?
k, i will add it
there is already script in this forums i made long ago that moves your char to your target, all you need to do is activate it and set /cfg nuke range to its real value 1100
Is it in the script forum or? I have been playing with every option in the skills to attack hp % player HP/MP +/- everything to get it to nuke great.
    LUA Programming
DistanceToGoClose = 300; -- set here the minimum distance from target that would make bot try to go near target.
CoordinateDeviationFromTarget = 100; -- set here the max range that could be picked by bot randomly when trying go near target. 
MinimumMPPercentCheck = -1; -- for example if u put 30 then char will not move closer until you regenerate mp to 30%
lastpickstamp = GetTime();
	MyTarget = GetTarget();
	me = GetMe();
	if (not IsPaused()) and (MyTarget ~= nil) and not (MyTarget:IsAlikeDeath()) and (me ~= nil) and (me:GetMpPercent() > MinimumMPPercentCheck) and (GetDistanceVector(MyTarget:GetLocation(),me:GetLocation()) < 8000) and (GetDistanceVector(MyTarget:GetLocation(),me:GetLocation()) > DistanceToGoClose) then
		loc = MyTarget:GetLocation();
		lX = loc.X + math.random(-CoordinateDeviationFromTarget, CoordinateDeviationFromTarget);
		lY = loc.Y + math.random(-CoordinateDeviationFromTarget, CoordinateDeviationFromTarget);
		MoveToNoWait(lX, lY, loc.Z);
	elseif (lastpickstamp +500 < GetTime()) then
		lastpickstamp = GetTime();
until false;

I saw your addnuke script. is that still functional?

target script is perfect! Burning MP like its a butter!
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