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Im looking for something like antihide script for zranger.
When dager on hide comes to you it allrets you.
Is it possible to mkae such a script for tower?
I mean. Pre god chronicles receive from server info about hidden npcs near you. In zranger there is an option to show hidden npcs(daggers on hide) or simply allert you when someone hidden is next to you. I know that after GOD update its not possible anymore since client does not receive data about hidden units near you.
So here comes my question about the tower script to show/allert daggers on hide.
If client dose not read tower cant read just logic... From what i've seen hidden daggers are exaclty like hiden GM or hero match spectators, the wild guess might be to send archer reveal skill packet Smile
read please.
PRE GOD cleints receive packets about hide.
So I just ask if this is possible to do with tower.
I know that it works with zranger because I used that on gracia pts servers (Rpg-club/theonline/l2ws)
Goddes of destruction changed that and on that chronicle hide detect doesnt work since client does not receive any data about.
What am I asking is to make a script for gracia and other PRE god chronicles for hide detect. Any1 have idea about it?
write down more specifically logic how that scripts worked.
which packets are responsible for that etc
Well, I'm not a programmer but i can copy scripts I used for zranger and the users manual for view hidden.


ViewHidden [on|off] Включить/выключить режим отображения невидимых персонажей в клиенте игры.

onвключить режим
offвыключить режим


+H ViewHiddenПереключить режим отображения невидимых персонажей по нажатию Ctrl+H.

Next action

Some acctions supports so called "Next action". In other words you could specify action that will be launched after completion of this action.


+A Assist Vasya > Cast $ManaBurn Cast Mana Burn on a character that is targeted by Vasya.

+A Select Petya > (1000) Cast $WindWalk Select Petya and buf him with a Wind Walk after a second.

Several actions:

It is possible to write several actions in one line, actions should be separated by ";" (without quotes) in this case.


+Z Cast $Invocation ; Say #Attention - Invocation


There are two ways to to define object for actions that requires it as argument.

Specify character name

+A Select VasyaSelect character Vasya
Put an expression which result would be the name or id of object. The expression should be exposed in brakets.

@TargetSelected name(actor) == env("ma") : Assist (env("ma")) safe Auto assign on defined character.

Chat actions

All those actions are also available with ingame chat. To launch action just write in chat: -action_description


-EnableGroup pvp

-ForceSkills on

Sciprt i Used:
Quote:@MagicSkillUser class(actor)== 141 and skill == $Hide : Cast $Spread Wing forced
your character was kamael?
yes, soulhound.
It worked perfectly on rpg club, and works on every server just requires premium license, and since i switched to tower i dont have zranger premium anymore. Thas why i am asking about something similar.
It worked for every character though, the script i gave you was the one i was using during the olympiad games, so whenever dager on hide comes in range, will activate spread wings.
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