Lineage 2 Tower Forum

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  • SealOfLimit now blocks potions only when hp/mp/cp is above 30%
  • Added external editor for advanced setting of potions
  • Removed actual Heal & Recharge settings. Added new code for CP, HP, MP reconvery. Added ability to use group skills here, skills what don't need target and using reconvery skills every some time (like 15s). Use only in combat ("C" letter) right now isn't supported.
  • Added ability to set follow on more than 1 person.
  • Added option to setup only buffs for pet.
  • Added support for buffs what don't need target.
  • Rewrite SkillUse manager, should use skills much more faster.
  • Added ability to setup delay for dances and songs. (That delay don't work like it should and will be fully fixed in next version, i don't want waste more time right now when are more important things to do.)
  • Changed structure of config files (60% done), *.ini and *.bin files will be replaced in next version with one better format. And because of changes you may need to remove *.bin files if you got any problems.
  • Fixed User:GetLevel() bug (wrong value for party members)
  • Lot of changed in commands for follow, reconvery and party buffs. But you don't need to know that because they will be set as "internal" commands soon and made only for GUI.

Note: If you find any bugs in Follow, Assist, Potions usage, Buffs, Reconvery, Pickup please report. Other features will be updated, improved and changed soon during moving to new configuration format.
Note 2: Make copy of your actual version before update, just in case...
ijected l2tower.dll after two seconds and turns off L2 window....
there seems to be a bugg in potion usage, some times works perfectly
then i wake up next day and is not spamming, there's 3 people in my house with different operative system windows xp/vista/7

and they suddenly suffer same, thank you
Potions were not changed in this version... you can try delete. Bin files...

Edit: Anyway in next 2 days I planed to release new version what won't have that .bin files so no more such problems...
when sweaper is on the bot stops everything (follow,assist,etc)

I know about that bug...
and when some1 attack me, cause automatically target him and hit him and finally flaged, the same with the char that assist me
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