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Full Version: help pls time code
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I have a script but I want to know what the code to be repeated every 50 min since no command, pls help This is the script is to be re-bufear every 50 min 2 weeks ago I'm looking for and find nothing
You can check time.. take the current time.. and count 50 min and run your script... but its better use gotbuff(), and run your script every time you need buff.

Try to do a script like this

    LUA Programming
if YOU lostNPCbuff()
  Stop tower()
  run file: Go to take new buff
  run file: Go to spot again
  Start tower()
until false

(11-18-2015 07:20 AM)rORUMI Wrote: [ -> ]You can check time.. take the current time.. and count 50 min and run your script... but its better use gotbuff(), and run your script every time you need buff.

Try to do a script like this

    LUA Programming
if YOU lostNPCbuff()
 Stop tower()
 run file: Go to take new buff
 run file: Go to spot again
 Start tower()
until false

hello, I dont like you told me but now jumps the script does not work, look left and I'll upload
Lucas, try to read a bit about lua and some examples about run/include files for script.

This is my iss start Code, you can see how I start loading scrips from another scripts.

    LUA Programming
-- L2TOWER: LUA - TinyISS Buff v0.4 | rORUMI
ShowToClient("Script", "TinyISS 85 v0.4 ACTIVE", 3);
--Autorun Scripts-------------------------------------
autoAuras = false; -- Enable autoAuras Script || ISS DONT NEED ITS 
	if autoAuras then
		ProcessCommand("/scriptStart AutoAuras.lua");
		--ProcessCommand("/scriptStart APause.lua"); -- Wait for rezz until kerberos plugin rezz
--Common Files----------------------------------------
local fileGlobalVar = assert(loadfile(GetDir() .. "\\scripts\\common\\GlobalVar.lua"))
debugMode = false;
local fileDebugMode = assert(loadfile(GetDir() .. "\\scripts\\common\\DebugMode.lua")) -- Console/file debug
local fileUseSkill = assert(loadfile(GetDir() .. "\\scripts\\common\\UseSkill.lua")) -- PVE/PVP Engine

try idk maked for wynn and not a lot of tested

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