Lineage 2 Tower Forum

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i've been using the tower with no problems... i wake up yesterday and it just doesnt work any more. client crashs, i've tryied using "disable mygui", tried patching every single dll. i just dont know what the hell is happening =(.

this is the error i get:

History: LoadNames <- ULinkerLoad::Load <- ULinkerLoad::ULinkerLoad <- UObject::GetPackageLinker <- ULinkerLoad::VerifyImport <- ValidateImports <- ULinkerLoad::Verify <- ULinkerLoad::Load <- ULinkerLoad::ULinkerLoad <- UObject::GetPackageLinker <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Engine.Level None.MyLevel Lobby01) <- VerifyPackages <- UGameEngine::LoadMap <- MapName=Lobby01 <- LocalMapURL <- UGameEngine::Browse <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine

Code [EXCEPTION_DEP_VIOLATION DataAddress:0x15054FD0]
Address [0x15054FD0]
SegCs [0x0023]

Core.dll [0x15000000] Offset [0x00054FD0]
After the server maintenance i updated client. Repatched everything and now the vorbis desetup thing doesn't work anymore....but other than that still going strong.
Hello guys.

I have same crash report.
Before update my l2tower work perfectly, now when i try log in with bot geting crashes. I try all regular things to fix it but cant solve the problem. i get clean l2 tower, new system check all forum and no1 say nothing what can help me. Im using windows 10, play on on server naia. pl help if can.

History: UD3DRenderDevice::Unlock <- UViewport::Unlock <- UWindowsViewport::Unlock <- ViewportLock1 <- Precaching <- UGameEngine::Draw <- GRenDev = fd920000 <- UWindowsViewport::Repaint <- UWindowsClient::Tick <- ClientTick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- CMainLoop::UpdateTheWorld <- MainLoop

Address [0x0BDC0060]
SegCs [0x0023]
Some times iss ont give harmony's and dont heal, so you must change target manualy for him start to buff
(10-01-2015 20:06 PM)manuel16007 Wrote: [ -> ]Some times iss ont give harmony's and dont heal, so you must change target manualy for him start to buff

healerfix plugin
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