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Full Version: Nuker set, Using 3 nukes after each other.
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i checked again, i found out there are many types of nukes, u need to tell me exactly which on e is it u using such as:
Elemental Spike
Elemental Spike (fire)
Elemental Spike (water)
Elemental Spike (wind)
Elemental Spike (earth)
Elemental Spike (4 attributes)
so i made you another plugin which will make you know which Skill Ids u use so you can replace the ids i put for the ones u use.
    LUA Programming
function OnMagicSkillUse(user, target, skillId, skillvl, skillHitTime, skillReuse)
if user:IsMe() then
ShowToClient("Skill You Used now has Id of",tostring(skillId));
	if (GetTarget() ~= nil) then
		if (GetTarget():IsAlikeDeath() == false) then
			if skillId == 11017 then --Elemental crash ID
				Command("/useskill Elemental Spike");		
			elseif skillId == 11011 then --Elemental Spike ID
				Command("/useskill Elemental Crash");	
			elseif skillId == 11034 then -- Elemental Blast Id
				Command("/useskill Elemental Storm");
			elseif skillId == 11040 then -- Elemental Storm Id
				Command("/useskill Elemental Blast");

Thanks alot man, works perfectly now Smile
Really doesn't work.. :O

These skills of Feoh not have any way to use them in normal option in the menu / cfg?

Only with scripts / plugins?

Amirooo, this script that you put up, what should I do with it?

Thank you.

ps.: google translator.
(03-07-2012 18:47 PM)amiroooo Wrote: [ -> ]well i made plugin for this to be adjustable in game, but some players claimed its not working,I don't have feoh so I couldn't actually test it on that class, but if anyone provide me with feoh account to test on or maybe provide me with 2 script records from 2 different stances (wind + water for example) by typing .recstart_blabla.lua then chose first stance do the skills then change stance and do the skills again and provide me with the recordings so i can make one that will be working for all.
I tested Also and couldnt make it work!
So, the thing is, when we program a nuke, the bot only use the first skill,
But we have to keep using 3 skills, they have the same name, but not the same codes!
Im using the nuke bot, with one nuke script and another attack skill on Mp recovery skills...
But it sux!
This problem has been solved by clockman about a month ago, but dont know what happen...

this is a great script, but I cant make it to run more than one skill in order!

function checkUltimateDefense(Objid)
if (Objid ~= nil) then -- this cant be really 0, just a safety check
if (Objid:GotBuff(5044)) then -- checking if our target has buff id=5044 [s_npc_ultimate_defense]
CancelTarget(true); -- cancelling the target if theres a mob near us the bot will pick next

function getSkillByName(Cname)
skillList = GetSkills(); -- lets get a list of our skills
for skill in skillList.list do -- lets loop thru the list
if == Cname then -- if skill name matches ours we return its struct
return skill
return nil

SkillName = "Elemental Spike"; -- proper skill name must match the skill name ingame (case sensitive)
MyID = GetMe():GetId(); -- our objid
MySkill = getSkillByName(SkillName); -- our skill struct gets stored here

if (MySkill ~= nil) then -- if we mistyped the skill or the bot cant find it the script ends here
MyTargetID = GetMe():GetTarget(); -- checking if we have a target
if (MyTargetID ~= nil) then -- if we do THEN...
MyTargetData = GetUserById(MyTargetID); -- getting our targets data
checkUltimateDefense(MyTargetData); -- checking for ultimate defense on our target
if ((MyTargetData ~= nil) and (MyTargetData:GetTarget() == MyID) and (MyTargetData:IsMonster())) then -- checking if our target is targeting us and its a monster
if (GetMe():GetMp() >= MySkill.mpConsume) then -- getting our mp and checking if its more or equal to skills mp usage
UseSkillRaw(MySkill.skillId,false,false); -- using the skill we specified
until false;
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