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Não é um codigo completo, mas quem puder ajudar. é o Seguinte
Primeiro problema é o teleport

Em Rune tem 2 teleports um em cima, outro em baixo.

No caso só consegui por o em cima. o outro já não consegui.
O outro problema é que ele não repete o script.


It is not a complete code, but anyone who can help. is Next
First problem is the teleport

In Rune has 2 teleports on top, the other below.

If only I could for the above. the other does not already got.
The other problem is that it does not repeat the script.

SCONFIG = L2TConfig.GetConfig();
SCONFIG_FILE = GetDir() .. '\\scripts\\buffmid2.l2b';
MyPlayer = "Dwbryel"; -- Player name to notify when dead/attacked and item status
MySettings = "buffmid2"; -- Settings filename
NotifyType = "3"; -- 1: Sound, 2: PM, 3: Both
NotifySoundPath = GetDir().."scripts\\Notifications\\ding.wav";
moveDistance = 40;

-- perola pro

Command(".load "..MySettings);

SetPause(true); ---- to stop Tower in town, untill u get in farm-spot.
SetPause(false); ---- to stop Tower in town, untill u get in farm-spot
SetPause(true); ---- to stop Tower in town, untill u get in farm-spot

ShowToClient("%H:%M:%S"), "Lets go FARM");


--- UseItem(736) -- escape
--- WaitForTeleport();

loc = GetMe():GetLocation();
ShowToClient("Location",tostring(loc.X)..", "..tostring(loc.Y)..", "..tostring(loc.Z));

--- TargetNpc("Arisha", 31698);
--- Talk();
--- ClickAndWait("teleport_request", "Teleport");
--- ClickAndWait("teleport_1707649872_0_57", "Rune Castle Town Store - 150 Adena");
--- WaitForTeleport();

MoveTo(43944, -47811, -792, moveDistance); --- EDITAR AS COORDENADAS AQUI

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- NPC BUFFER RUNE --- L2 MID

TargetNpc("Buffer", 35704);
ActivateSoulShot(3950, true);
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELEPORT STAKATO NEST
TargetNpc("Ilyana", 31320);
ClickAndWait("teleport_request", "\"I want to teleport.\"");
-- ClickAndWait("teleport_1694686384_11_57", "Swamp of Screams - 1500 Adena"); -- Teleport 1 Apenas mudar de um para o outro quando um teleport parar de funcionar
ClickAndWait("teleport_1694687008_11_57", "Swamp of Screams - 3000 Adena"); -- Teleport 2

UseSkill(1157, false, false); -- Body To Mind

MoveTo(69345, -50208, -3287, moveDistance);
MoveTo(69345, -50208, -3287, moveDistance);
MoveTo(69345, -50208, -3287, moveDistance);
MoveTo(69345, -50208, -3287, moveDistance);
MoveTo(69345, -50208, -3287, moveDistance);
MoveTo(70036, -50267, -3260, moveDistance);
MoveTo(72967, -48991, -3196, moveDistance);
MoveTo(73027, -48979, -3194, moveDistance);
MoveTo(73193, -48945, -3191, moveDistance);
MoveTo(73273, -48929, -3190, moveDistance);
MoveTo(73467, -48889, -3189, moveDistance);
MoveTo(73580, -48866, -3189, moveDistance);
MoveTo(73694, -48842, -3191, moveDistance);
MoveTo(74765, -49141, -3080, moveDistance);
MoveTo(76301, -48308, -3061, moveDistance);
MoveTo(77406, -47409, -3069, moveDistance);
MoveTo(77556, -47424, -3076, moveDistance);
MoveTo(77599, -47428, -3079, moveDistance);
MoveTo(80196, -47712, -3048, moveDistance);
MoveTo(83764, -47506, -3238, moveDistance);
MoveTo(84762, -46115, -3050, moveDistance);
MoveTo(86674, -46099, -2456, moveDistance);
MoveTo(87579, -45563, -2187, moveDistance);
MoveTo(88450, -45015, -2147, moveDistance);
MoveTo(89718, -44675, -2141, moveDistance);

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARTE DO CORREDOR
MoveTo(89513, -44837, -2141, moveDistance);
MoveTo(89875, -44596, -2135, moveDistance);
MoveTo(90455, -44046, -2121, moveDistance);
MoveTo(91504, -43045, -2505, moveDistance);
MoveTo(92525, -43717, -2715, moveDistance);
MoveTo(92012, -44677, -2898, moveDistance);
MoveTo(90575, -44738, -3285, moveDistance);
MoveTo(89977, -43400, -3784, moveDistance);
MoveTo(88973, -42976, -4057, moveDistance);
MoveTo(88566, -43090, -4132, moveDistance);
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOLTAR O TOWER A FUNCIONAR

SetPause(false); ------ to reactivate Tower in farm spot.

until GetMe():IsAlikeDeath() == true;

if (GetMe():IsAlikeDeath() == false) then
use english in common forums.

/moved to Off Topic
Its portuguese Kerberos, you can move to
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