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(09-08-2014 17:54 PM)alku Wrote: [ -> ]no me funciona con el ISS Spectral dancer
que tengo que cambiarle ?

Alku Perdon, no habia tenido tiempo de probar el mi Iss dancer, y veras que en el codigo que puse, en la sonata 2, verifico 1 Harmony.. ahi estoy subiendo la version 0.2 que tiene mejoras:

- fix Dancer
- Iss Heal
- Iss Ress
- MpStop para que el Heal no se coma todo el MP
- Rango de Accion para cuando esta en party y se aleja mucho no tome como que esta sin buff

Probe un poco todo y funciona bien, bastante completo ahora solo hay que ponerle el Follow y/o Assit en el GUI y esta completo

En la version 0.3 le agregare el OOP si es necesario que es lo ultimo que le falta.. y un check x si estan atacando el ISS, se haga piedra x ejemplo pero pueden agregarlo a gusto obviamente ustedes
Alguna Novedad para el OOP de Iss Domi?
(10-21-2014 04:56 AM)ronycontreras Wrote: [ -> ]Alguna Novedad para el OOP de Iss Domi?

El iss dominator no necesita oop si las mascotas estan en el mismo clan.. practicamente digamos tu clan. En este momento tengo una mini party leveando y le paso buff, sonatas y harmonys sin entrar y salir del party.

Igualmente ahora que esta todo este quilombo de los bans no esta el horno para bollos.

Tengo la version funcional pero justamente estaba mejorando el funcionamiento del codigo. Asi como el healer, mejore mucho el codigo y tambien lo hice plugin. A penas este testeado lo publico
aqui les comparto mi scrip del iss para todas bufear todas las clases incluido el ertheia
    LUA Programming
-- With safeCode isn't supposed to stop script on possible errors, but 
-- will just silently pause working till cause of error go away
local safeCode = false
-- Distance to search for party members to buff
local SearchDistance = 1000
-- Check if L2Tower is running (not paused)
local CheckIfRunning = true
local Names = {
	Leader = "leader",
	Iss = "blablabla",
	Kick = "P2",
-- Will it work with entering/leaving party?
-- Well it's not really just for OOP anymore, but name remained <img src="" style="vertical-align: middle;" border="0" alt="Smile" title="Smile" />
-- Notes: 
--  * If you run script on character specified as "Leader",
--     then Leader will invite buffer when buffs are needed,
--  * Leader will kick player specified as "Kick" if party is full
--  * Unless you set OOPForcePartyLeave buffer will not leave party
--     if it is not full, meaning either of: 
--        - party is not full,
--        - Kick is in party,
--        - there is no Kick within SearchDistance,
local OOPMode = False
-- How long after last buffing will we leave the party?
local LeaveAfterBuffsTimeout = 4*1000 -- 4 sec
local OOPForcePartyLeave = false
-- Should it follow player specified as Leader? Will follow even if
-- Leader is not member of your party.
local OOPFollowLeader = True
-- Not really distance, for now just random point within half of 
-- this distance from leader. Will make it better in final release.
local OOPFollowDistance = 400
-- Should it assist player specified as Leader?
-- Made it because L2Tower assist is buggy.
-- Won't assist if Leader is not in same party as we are.
local OOPAssistLeader = True
-- Irrelevant for user, will throw info into chat if enabled
local debugmode = false
-- "Wizard", "Warrior" and "Knight" stand for type of Harmony to use,
local ClassesContainer = {
    Magic = {
        Buffer = {
            { 17, "Wizard"},    -- Prophet
            { 21, "Warrior"},    -- Swordsinger
            { 34, "Warrior"},    -- Bladedancer
            { 49, "Wizard" },    -- Orc Mystic
            { 50, "Wizard" },    -- Orc Shaman
            { 51, "Warrior" },    -- Overlord
            { 52, "Wizard" },    -- Warcryer
            { 98, "Wizard" },    -- Hierophant
            { 100, "Warrior" },    -- Sword Muse
            { 107, "Warrior" },    -- Spectral Dancer
            { 115, "Knight" },    -- Dominator
            { 116, "Wizard" },    -- Doomcryer
            { 144, "Warrior"},    -- Iss Enchanter
            { 171, "Wizard" },    -- IssHierophant
            { 172, "Warrior"},    -- IssSwordMuse
            { 173, "Warrior"},    -- IssSpectralDancer
            { 174, "Knight" },    -- IssDominator
            { 175, "Wizard" },    -- IssDoomcryer
        Healer = {
            { 15, "Wizard"},    -- Cleric
            { 16, "Wizard"},    -- Bishop
            { 29, "Wizard"},    -- Elven Oracle
            { 30, "Wizard"},    -- Elven Elder
            { 97, "Wizard"},    -- Cardinal
            { 42, "Wizard" },    -- Shillien Oracle
            { 43, "Wizard" },    -- Shillien Elder
            { 105, "Wizard" },    -- Eva's Saint
            { 112, "Wizard" },    -- Shillien Saint
            { 146, "Wizard" },    -- Aeore Healer
            { 179, "Wizard" },    -- AeoreCardinal
            { 180, "Wizard" },    -- AeoreEvasSaint
            { 181, "Wizard" },    -- AeoreShillienSaint        
        Nuker = {
            { 10, "Wizard"},    -- Human Mystic
            { 11, "Wizard"},    -- Human Wizard
            { 12, "Wizard"},    -- Sorceror
            { 13, "Wizard"},    -- Necromancer
            { 25, "Wizard"},    -- Elven Mystic
            { 26, "Wizard"},    -- Elven Wizard
            { 27, "Wizard"},    -- Spellsinger
            { 38, "Wizard" },    -- Dark Mystic
            { 39, "Wizard" },    -- Dark Wizard
            { 40, "Wizard" },    -- Spellhowler
            { 94, "Wizard" },    -- Archmage
            { 95, "Wizard" },    -- Soultaker
            { 103, "Wizard" },    -- Mystic Muse
            { 110, "Wizard" },    -- Storm Screamer
            { 143, "Wizard" },    -- Feoh Wizard
            { 166, "Wizard" },    -- FeohArchmage
            { 167, "Wizard" },    -- FeohSoultaker
            { 168, "Wizard" },    -- FeohMysticMuse
            { 169, "Wizard" },    -- FeohStormScreamer
            { 170, "Wizard" },    -- FeohSoulhound
            { 183, "Wizard" },    -- ErtheiaWizard
            { 185, "Wizard" },    -- CloudBreaker
            { 187, "Wizard" },    -- Stratomancer
            { 189, "Wizard" },    -- SayhasSeer            
        Summoner = {
            { 14, "Wizard"},    -- Warlock
            { 28, "Knight"},    -- Elemental Summoner
            { 41, "Wizard" },    -- Phantom Summoner
            { 96, "Wizard" },    -- Arcana Lord
            { 104, "Knight" },    -- Elemental Master
            { 111, "Wizard" },    -- Spectral Master
                -- We try to determine Wynn Summoner's Harmony dynamically
                -- if there is no 'nil' then it will not dynamically assign
                -- and use whatever stands here instead, so you can force
                -- different buff or put it manually if dynamical doesn't work
            { 145, "Warrior"},    -- Wynn Summoner
            { 176, "Warrior"},    -- WynnArcanaLord
            { 177, "Warrior"},    -- WynnElementalMaster
            { 178, "Warrior"},    -- WynnSpectralMaster
    Physical = {
        Warrior = {
            { 0, "Warrior"},    -- Human Fighter
            { 1, "Warrior"},    -- Warrior
            { 2, "Warrior"},    -- Gladiator
            { 3, "Warrior"},    -- Warlord
            { 18, "Warrior"},    -- Elven Fighter
            { 19, "Warrior"},    -- Elven Knight
            { 31, "Warrior"},    -- Dark Fighter
            { 44, "Warrior" },    -- Orc Fighter
            { 45, "Warrior" },    -- Orc Raider
            { 46, "Warrior" },    -- Destroyer
            { 47, "Warrior" },    -- Monk
            { 48, "Warrior" },    -- Tyrant
            { 53, "Warrior" },    -- Dwarven Fighter
            { 56, "Warrior" },    -- Artisan
            { 57, "Warrior" },    -- Warsmith
            { 88, "Warrior"},    -- Duelist
            { 89, "Warrior" },    -- Dreadnought
            { 113, "Warrior" },    -- Titan
            { 114, "Warrior" },    -- Grand Khavatari
            { 118, "Warrior" },    -- Maestro
            { 123, "Warrior" },    -- Male Soldier
            { 124, "Warrior" },    -- Female Soldier
            { 125, "Warrior" },    -- Dragoon
            { 126, "Warrior" },    -- Warder
            { 127, "Warrior" },    -- Berserker
            { 128, "Warrior" },    -- Male Soul Breaker
            { 129, "Warrior" },    -- Female Soul Breaker
            { 131, "Warrior" },    -- Doombringer
            { 132, "Warrior" },    -- Male Soul Hound
            { 133, "Warrior" },    -- Female Soul Hound
            { 135, "Warrior" },    -- Inspector
            { 136, "Warrior" },    -- Judicator
            { 140, "Warrior" },    -- Tyrr Warrior
            { 152, "Warrior" },    -- TyrrDuelist
            { 153, "Warrior" },    -- TyrrDreadnought
            { 154, "Warrior" },    -- TyrrTitan
            { 155, "Warrior" },    -- TyrrGrandKhavatari
            { 156, "Warrior" },    -- TyrrMaestro
            { 157, "Warrior" },    -- TyrrDoombringer
            { 182, "Warrior" },    -- ErtheiaFighter
            { 184, "Warrior" },    -- Marauder
            { 186, "Warrior" },    -- Ripper
            { 188, "Warrior" },    -- Eviscerator            
        Dagger = {
            { 7, "Warrior"},    -- Rogue
            { 8, "Warrior"},    -- Treasure Hunter
            { 22, "Warrior"},    -- Elven Scout
            { 23, "Warrior"},    -- Plainswalker
            { 35, "Warrior"},    -- Assassin
            { 36, "Warrior"},    -- Abyss Walker
            { 54, "Warrior" },    -- Scavenger
            { 55, "Knight" },    -- Bounty Hunter
            { 93, "Warrior"},    -- Adventurer
            { 101, "Warrior" },    -- Wind Rider
            { 108, "Warrior" },    -- Ghost Hunter
            { 117, "Warrior"},    -- Fortune Seeker
            { 141, "Warrior" },    -- Othell Rogue
            { 158, "Warrior" },    -- OthellAdventurer
            { 159, "Warrior" },    -- OthellGhostHunter
            { 160, "Warrior" },    -- OthellGhostHunter
            { 161, "Warrior" },    -- OthellFortuneSeeker
        Archer = {
            { 9, "Warrior"},    -- Hawkeye
            { 24, "Warrior"},    -- Silver Ranger
            { 37, "Warrior"},    -- Phantom Ranger
            { 92, "Warrior" },    -- Sagittarius
            { 102, "Warrior" },    -- Moonlight Sentinel
            { 109, "Warrior" },    -- Ghost Sentinel
            { 130, "Warrior" },    -- Arbalester
            { 134, "Warrior" },    -- Trickster
            { 142, "Warrior" },    -- Yul Archer
            { 162, "Warrior" },    -- YulSagittarius
            { 163, "Warrior" },    -- YulMoonlightSentinel
            { 164, "Warrior" },    -- YulGhostSentinel
            { 165, "Warrior" },    -- YulTrickster
    Tank = {
        Knight = {
            { 4, "Warrior"},    -- Human Knight
            { 5, "Knight"},    -- Paladin
            { 6, "Knight"},    -- Dark Avenger
            { 20, "Knight"},    -- Temple Knight
            { 32, "Warrior"},    -- Palus Knight
            { 33, "Knight"},    -- Shillien Knight
            { 90, "Knight" },    -- Phoenix Knight
            { 91, "Knight" },    -- Hell Knight
            { 99, "Knight" },    -- Eva's Templar
            { 106, "Knight" },    -- Shillien Templar
            { 139, "Knight" },    -- Sigel Knight
            { 148, "Knight" },    -- SigelPhoenixKnight
            { 149, "Knight" },    -- SigelHellKnight
            { 150, "Knight" },    -- SigelEvasTemplar
            { 151, "Knight" },    -- SigelShillienTemplar		
	-- If there are multiple values with same name it means it will search for the most nested one (the one furthest to right)
	-- Buff template:
local BuffsContainer = {
	-- static minimum time left when we will rebuff, searchest for the most nested one
	MinTimeLeft = 1000,
	-- dynamic minimum time left when we will rebuff, 
	-- Length * multiplier determines when we will rebuff, 
	-- so 30 min with 0.1 multiplier makes it rebuffing at 3 min left on buff
	LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = 1/5, 
	SomeGroupedUpBuffs = {
		SomeBuffName = {
			MinTimeLeft = nil,
			LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
			-- maximum length of buff in milliseconds
			Length = 300000, -- this makes 300 sec = 5 min
			-- Skill Ids which can apply this buff
			Skills = {
			-- Ids of skills that apply same buff effect (so we don't try cast buff if we cannot override),
			-- Must contain also all Skills Ids,
			-- Basically it checks if target holds any of Buffs, if it doesn't it tries to use any of Skills to apply them
			Buffs = {
local BuffsContainer = {
	MinTimeLeft = 1000,
	LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = 1/5,
	Melody = {
		MinTimeLeft = nil,
		LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
		Length = 1800000, -- 30 min
		Horn = {
			MinTimeLeft = nil,
			LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
			Length = nil,
			Skills = { 11517 },
			NeedTarget = false,
			Buffs = {
				9198,	-- Elixir: Horn Melody
				9218,	-- Elixir of Blessing - Horn Melody
				9227,	-- Mentor's Poem of Horn
				9273,	-- Horn Melody - PC Cafe
				9280,	-- Horn Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
				9331,	-- Horn Melody - Refined Cocktail
				11517,	-- Horn Melody
				14738,	-- Olympiad - Horn Melody
				14779,	-- Master's Blessing - Horn Melody
				14791,	-- Master's Blessing - Horn Melody (Range)
				15642,  -- Horn Melody (Adventurer)
				11589,  -- Horn Frenzy
		Drum = {
			MinTimeLeft = nil,
			LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
			Length = nil,
			Skills = { 11518 },
			NeedTarget = false,
			Buffs = {
				9199,	-- Elixir: Drum Melody
				9219,	-- Elixir of Blessing - Drum Melody
				9228,	-- Mentor's Poem of Drum
				9274,	-- Drum Melody - PC Cafe
				9281,	-- Drum Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
				9332,	-- Drum Melody - Refined Cocktail
				11518,	-- Drum Melody
				14739,	-- Olympiad - Drum Melody
				14780,	-- Master's Blessing - Drum Melody
				14792,	-- Master's Blessing - Drum Melody (Range)
				22213,	-- Mysterious Scroll - Drum Melody
				15643,  -- Drum Melody (Adventurer)
				11590,  -- Drum Frenzy
		PipeOrgan = {
			MinTimeLeft = nil,
			LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
			Length = nil,
			Skills = { 11519 },
			NeedTarget = false,
			Buffs = {
				9201,	-- Elixir: Pipe Organ Melody
				9221,	-- Elixir of Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
				9230,	-- Mentor's Poem of Organ
				9276,	-- Pipe Organ Melody - PC Cafe
				9283,	-- Pipe Organ Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
				9334,	-- Pipe Organ Melody - Refined Cocktail
				11519,	-- Pipe Organ Melody
				14607,	-- Cry of Fate - Pipe Organ Melody
				14693,	-- Cry of Fate - Pipe Organ Melody
				14740,	-- Olympiad - Pipe Organ Melody
				14781,	-- Master's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
				14793,	-- Master's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody (Range)
				23364,	-- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
				23365,	-- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
				23366,	-- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
				23367,	-- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
				23368,	-- Tree's Blessing - Pipe Organ Melody
				15644,  -- Pipe Melody (Adventurer)
				11591,  -- Pipe Frenzy
		Guitar = {
			MinTimeLeft = nil,
			LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
			Length = nil,
			Skills = { 11520 },
			NeedTarget = false,
			Buffs = {
				9202,	-- Elixir: Guitar Melody
				9222,	-- Elixir of Blessing - Guitar Melody
				9231,	-- Mentor's Poem of Guitar
				9277,	-- Guitar Melody - PC Cafe
				9284,	-- Guitar Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
				9335,	-- Guitar Melody - Refined Cocktail
				11520,	-- Guitar Melody
				14741,	-- Olympiad - Guitar Melody
				14782,	-- Master's Blessing - Guitar Melody
				14794,	-- Master's Blessing - Guitar Melody (Range)
				23369,	-- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
				23370,	-- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
				23371,	-- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
				23372,	-- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
				23373,	-- Tree's Blessing - Guitar Melody
				15645,  -- Guitar Melody (Adventurer)
				11592,  -- Guitar Frenzy
		Harp = {
			MinTimeLeft = nil,
			LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
			Length = nil,
			Skills = { 11521 },
			NeedTarget = false,
			Buffs = {
				9203,	-- Elixir: Harp Melody
				9223,	-- Elixir of Blessing - Harp Melody
				9232,	-- Mentor's Poem of Harp
				9278,	-- Harp Melody - PC Cafe
				9285,	-- Harp Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
				9336,	-- Harp Melody - Refined Cocktail
				11521,	-- Harp Melody
				14742,	-- Olympiad - Harp Melody
				14783,	-- Master's Blessing - Harp Melody
				14795,	-- Master's Blessing - Harp Melody (Range)
				23374,	-- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
				23375,	-- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
				23376,	-- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
				23377,	-- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
				23378,	-- Tree's Blessing - Harp Melody
				15646,  -- Harp Melody (Adventurer)
				11593,  -- Harp Frenzy
		Lute = {
			MinTimeLeft = nil,
			LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
			Length = nil,
			Skills = { 11522 },
			NeedTarget = false,
			Buffs = {
				9200,	-- Elixir: Lute Melody
				9220,	-- Elixir of Blessing - Lute Melody
				9229,	-- Mentor's Poem of Lute
				9275,	-- Lute Melody - PC Cafe
				9282,	-- Lute Melody - Heavenly Cocktail
				9333,	-- Lute Melody - Refined Cocktail
				11522,	-- Lute Melody
				14743,	-- Olympiad - Lute Melody
				14784,	-- Master's Blessing - Lute Melody
				14796,	-- Master's Blessing - Lute Melody (Range)
				23359,	-- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
				23360,	-- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
				23361,	-- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
				23362,	-- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
				23363,	-- Tree's Blessing - Lute Melody
				15647,  -- Lute Melody (Adventurer)
				11594,  -- Lute Frenzy
	Sonata = {
		MinTimeLeft = nil,
		LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
		Length = 350000, -- 5 min
		Prevailing = {
			MinTimeLeft = nil,
			LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
			Length = nil,
			Skills = { 11610 },
			NeedTarget = false,
			Buffs = {
				11529,	-- Prevailing Sonata
				11600,  -- Frenzied Prevailing Sonata
				14993,	-- Master's Blessing - Prevailing Sonata
				14996,	-- Master's Blessing - Prevailing Sonata (range)
				15651,  -- Prevailing Sonata (Adventurer)
				17082,  -- Mentor's Prevailing Sonata
				23507,  -- (Prevailing Sonata)
				11607,  -- Prevailing Song
				11610,  -- Prevailing Dance
		Daring = {
			MinTimeLeft = nil,
			LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
			Length = nil,
			Skills = { 11611 },
			NeedTarget = false,
			Buffs = {
				11530,	-- Daring Sonata
				11601,  -- Frenzied Prevailing Sonata
				14994,	-- Master's Blessing - Daring Sonata
				14997,	-- Master's Blessing - Daring Sonata (range)
				15652,  -- Daring Sonata (Adventurer)
				17083,  -- Mentor's Daring Sonata
				23508,  -- (Daring Sonata)
				11608,  -- Daring Song
				11611,  -- Daring Dance
		Refreshing = {
			MinTimeLeft = nil,
			LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
			Length = nil,
			Skills = { 11612 },
			NeedTarget = false,
			Buffs = {
				11532,	-- Refreshing Sonata
				11602,  -- Frenzied Refreshing Sonata
				14995,	-- Master's Blessing - Refreshing Sonata
				14998,	-- Master's Blessing - Refreshing Sonata (range)
				15653,  -- Refreshing Sonata (Adventurer)
				17084,  -- Mentor's Refreshing Sonata
				23509,  -- (Refreshing Sonata)
				11609,  -- Refreshing Song
				11612,  -- Refreshing Dance
	Protection = {
		MinTimeLeft = nil,
		LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
		Length = 1800000, -- 30 min
		Elemental = {
			MinTimeLeft = nil,
			LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
			Skills = { 11565 },
			NeedTarget = true,
			Buffs = {
				1352,	-- Elemental Protection
				11565,	-- Elemental Protection
				11790,	-- Superior Elemental Protection
				23247,	-- Master's Blessing - Elemental Protection
				23295,	-- Master's Blessing - Elemental Protection
		Divine = {
			MinTimeLeft = nil,
			LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
			Skills = { 11566, 803 },
			NeedTarget = true,
			Buffs = {
				11566,	-- Divine Protection
				1353,	-- Divine Protection
				803,	-- Healer Ability - Divine Protection
		Mental = {
			MinTimeLeft = nil,
			LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
			Skills = { 11567 },
			NeedTarget = true,
			Buffs = {
				11567,	-- Mental Protection
	Harmony = {
		MinTimeLeft = nil,
		Length = 1800000, -- 30 min
		Knight = {
			MinTimeLeft = nil,
			LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
			Length = nil,
			Skills = { 11523 },
			NeedTarget = true,
			Buffs = {
				9376,	-- Mentor Guardian's Harmony
				11523,	-- Knight's Harmony
				14744,	-- Olympiad - Guardian's Harmony
				14785,	-- Master's Blessing - Guardian's Harmony
				14797,	-- Master's Blessing - Guardian's Harmony (Range)
				15648,  -- Knight's Harmony (Adventurer)
				11595,  -- Knight's Frenzied Harmony
		Warrior = {
			MinTimeLeft = nil,
			LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
			Length = nil,
			Skills = { 11524 },
			NeedTarget = true,
			Buffs = {
				9378,	-- Mentor's Berserker's Harmony
				11524,	-- Warrior's Harmony
				14745,	-- Olympiad - Berserker's Harmony
				14786,	-- Master's Blessing - Berserker's Harmony
				14798,	-- Master's Blessing - Berserker's Harmony (Range)
				15649,  -- Warrior's Harmony (Adventurer)
				11596,  -- Warrior's Frenzied Harmony
		Wizard = {
			MinTimeLeft = nil,
			LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier = nil,
			Length = nil,
			Skills = { 11525 },
			NeedTarget = true,
			Buffs = {
				9377,	-- Mentor's Magician's Harmony
				11525,	-- Wizard's Harmony
				14746,	-- Olympiad - Magician's Harmony
				14787,	-- Master's Blessing - Magician's Harmony
				14799,	-- Master's Blessing - Magician's Harmony (Range)
				15650,  -- Magician's Harmony (Adventurer)
				11597,  -- Magician's Frenzied Harmony
function GetRebuffTimeLeft( buffsC, skillId)
	if buffsC and tar and skillId or not safeCode then
		if type(buffsC) == "table" then
			for Type,vT in pairs(buffsC) do
				if type(vT) == "table" then
					for lBuff,vlB in pairs(vT) do
						if type(vlB) == "table" then
							for i=1,#vlB.Skills do
								if vlB.Skills[i] == skillId then
									local l = vlB.Length or vT.Length or 0
									local m = vlB.LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier or vT.LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier or buffsC.LengthToMinTimeLeftMultiplier or 0
									local mtl = vlB.MinTimeLeft or vT.MinTimeLeft or buffsC.MinTimeLeft or 0
									return math.max(l * m, mtl)
	return nil
function GetHarmonyType( classesC, tar )
	if tar and classesC or not safeCode then
		if type(classesC) == "table" then
			for Type,vT in pairs(classesC) do
				if type(vT) == "table" then
					for SubType,vS in pairs(vT) do
						if type(vS) == "table" then
							for i=1,#vS do
								c = tar:GetClass()
								if c == vS[i][1] then
									harmony = vS[i][2]
									if c == 145 and not harmony then	-- Wynn Summoner
										harmony = DetermineWynnHarmony( tar:GetName() )
										return harmony
									return harmony
	return nil
function PetBelongsToParty( pet )
	if pet then
		party = GetPartyList()
		for p in party.list do
			if p:GetName() == pet:GetMasterName() then
				return true
	return false
function DetermineWynnHarmony( name )
	local bearCount = 0 	-- 14929	Armored Bear
	local cougarCount = 0 	-- 14930	Saber Tooth Cougar
	local soulReaperCount = 0	-- 14931	Soul Reaper
	if name then
		pets = GetPetList()
		for p in pets.list do
			if PetBelongsToParty(p) then
				id = p:GetNpcId()
				if id == 14929 then
					bearCount = bearCount + 1
				elseif id == 14930 then
					cougarCount = cougarCount + 1
				elseif id == 14931 then
					soulReaperCount = soulReaperCount + 1
	if bearCount > 0 then
		return "Knight"
	elseif cougarCount > soulReaperCount then
		return "Warrior"
		return "Wizard"
function BuffInfo( buffsC, tar, skillId )
	if buffsC and tar and skillId or not safeCode then
		if type(buffsC) == "table" then
			for Type,vT in pairs(buffsC) do
				if type(vT) == "table" then
					for lBuff,vlB in pairs(vT) do
						if type(vlB) == "table" then
							for i=1,#vlB.Skills do
								if vlB.Skills[i] == skillId then
									if type(vlB.Buffs) == "table" then
										timeLeft = 86400000
										for j=1,#vlB.Buffs do
											buff = tar:GetBuff(vlB.Buffs[j])
											if buff then
												timeLeft = buff.endTime - GetTime()
												return true, vlB.NeedTarget, vlB.Buffs[j], timeLeft
										return false, vlB.NeedTarget, nil, nil
	return false
function CastBuff( skills, buffsC, tar, id, dist, justCheck )
	if skills and buffsC and tar and tar:GetHp() ~= 0 and id and dist or not safeCode then
		local hasBuff, needTarget, _, timeLeft = BuffInfo( buffsC, tar, id )
		local rtl = GetRebuffTimeLeft( buffsC, id)
		if not hasBuff or rtl and timeLeft and timeLeft <= rtl and timeLeft > 0 then
			if debugmode then ShowToClient(tar:GetName(), ""..tostring(hasBuff).." "..rtl.." "..tostring(timeLeft)) end
			if justCheck then
				return true
			local skill = skills:FindById(id)
			if skill and skill:CanBeUsed() then
				for d=dist-50,50,-100 do
					if not tar or tar:GetHpPercent() == 0 then
						return false
					if tar:GetDistance() > dist or not tar:CanSeeMe() then
						loc = tar:GetLocation()
						MoveTo(loc.X, loc.Y, loc.Z, d)
						tar = GetUserById(tar:GetId())
				if needTarget then
					for i=1,5 do
						myTar = GetTarget()
						if myTar and myTar:GetId() == tar:GetId() then
							if debugmode then ShowToClient(tar:GetName(), "" end
							return true
					if debugmode then ShowToClient(tar:GetName(), "" end
					return true
	return false
function BuffHarmony( skills, buffsC, classesC, tar, justCheck )
	if skills and buffsC and classesC and tar and harmonies or not safeCode then
		local ht = GetHarmonyType(classesC, tar)
		if ht or not safeCode then
			local harmony = buffsC.Harmony[ht]
			for i=1,#harmony.Skills do
				if CastBuff( skills, buffsC, tar, harmony.Skills[i], 900, justCheck ) then
					return true
	return false
local LastBuffTime = GetTime()
function BuffTarget( skills, buffsC, classesC, tar, justCheck )
	if skills and buffsC and classesC and tar or not safeCode then
		if type(buffsC) == "table" then
			for BT,vBT in pairs(buffsC) do
				if BT == "Harmony" then
					if BuffHarmony( skills, buffsC, classesC, tar, justCheck ) then
                  LastBuffTime = GetTime()
						return true
					if type(vBT) == "table" then
						for kB,vB in pairs(vBT) do
							if type(vB) == "table" and type(vB.Skills) == "table" then
								for i=1,#vB.Skills do
									if CastBuff( skills, buffsC, tar, vB.Skills[i], 900, justCheck ) then
                              LastBuffTime = GetTime()
										return true
	return false
function BuffParty( skills, buffsC, classesC, distance, justCheck, names )
	if skills and buffsC and classesC and distance and (names or not justCheck) or not safeCode then
		local me = GetMe()
		if BuffTarget( skills, buffsC, classesC, me, justCheck ) then
			return true
		local party = GetPartyList()
		for p in party.list do
			if not (names and not (justCheck and p:GetName() == names.Kick)) and p:GetDistance() < distance and 
				BuffTarget( skills, buffsC, classesC, p, justCheck ) then
				return true
	return false
function PartyNeedBuffs( skills, buffsC, classesC, distance, justCheck, names )
	return BuffParty( skills, buffsC, classesC, distance, true, names )
-------------------------- OOP Mode PART -----------------------------
function GetPartyCount()
	party = GetPartyList()
	local i = 0
	for p in party.list do
		i = i+1
	return i
function RandomizeLocation( loc, xSpread, ySpread, zSpread )
	if loc then
		local x = loc.X
		local y = loc.Y
		local z = loc.Z
		x = x - ( xSpread / 2 )
		y = y - ( ySpread / 2 )
		z = z - ( zSpread / 2 )
		x = x + math.random(xSpread)
		y = y + math.random(ySpread)
		z = z + math.random(zSpread)
		return x, y, z
function BuffPartyAndLeave( skills, buffsC, classesC, distance, names )
	if PartyNeedBuffs( skills, buffsC, classesC, distance ) then
		BuffParty( skills, buffsC, classesC, distance )
	elseif GetPartyMaster() then
		local shouldLeave = false
		local pc = 0
		if not OOPForcePartyLeave then
			local kick = GetUserByName(names.Kick)
			shouldLeave = kick and kick:GetDistance() < distance
			local party = GetPartyList()
			for p in party.list do
				pc = pc + 1
				if names.Kick == p:GetName() then
					shouldLeave = nil
		if (OOPForcePartyLeave or shouldLeave or pc == 4) and GetTime() - LastBuffTime > LeaveAfterBuffsTimeout then
function Kick( names )
	local me = GetMe()
	if me and names and names.Leader == me:GetName() and names.Kick or not safeCode then
		if GetPartyCount() == 3 then
			Command("/dismiss " .. names.Kick)
			return true
	return false
function Invite( names )
	if me and names and names.Leader == me:GetName() and names.Iss or not safeCode then
	tar = GetPlayerList():GetByName(names.Iss)
		if tar and not tar:IsMyPartyMember() then
			if Kick(names) then
			if GetPartyCount() == 3 then
				return false
			Command("/invite ".. names.Iss)
			return true
	return false
function Reinvite( names )
	if me and names and names.Leader == me:GetName() and names.Kick or not safeCode then
		tar = GetPlayerList():GetByName(names.Kick)
		if tar and not tar:IsMyPartyMember() then
			Command("/invite ".. names.Kick)
----------------------- End of OOP Mode PART -------------------------
function GetTargetById( id )
	local users = GetUsersList()
function Main()
	local me = GetMe()
	if me then
		if OOPMode and me:GetName() == Names.Leader then
			if PartyNeedBuffs(GetSkills(), BuffsContainer, ClassesContainer, SearchDistance) then
		elseif me:GetName() == Names.Iss or not OOPMode then		    
			if me:GetClass() ~= 173 then
				ShowToClient("", "You are not Iss!")
				return false
			local leader = GetPlayerList():GetByName(Names.Leader)
			if leader and OOPMode then
				-- Assisting
				local pm = GetPartyMaster()
				local lid = leader:GetId()
				local lt = GetUserById(leader:GetTarget())
				local chk = OOPAssistLeader and lt and not lt:IsFriend()
				if (leader:IsMyPartyMemberMaster() or leader:IsMyPartyMember()) and chk then
				-- Following
				if not pm or OOPFollowLeader and not chk then
					local tar = GetTarget()
					if OOPFollowLeader and tar and tar:GetId() == lid and tar:GetDistance() > OOPFollowDistance then
						local x,y,z = RandomizeLocation(tar:GetLocation(),OOPFollowDistance,OOPFollowDistance,0)
						MoveTo(x,y,z, OOPFollowDistance)
				return BuffPartyAndLeave(GetSkills(), BuffsContainer, ClassesContainer, SearchDistance, Names)
				return BuffParty(GetSkills(), BuffsContainer, ClassesContainer, SearchDistance)								
	return false	
	if not CheckIfRunning or not IsPaused() then
until false

espero les sea util y si algun crak la mejora y tal , pues mucho mejor XD
Gracias Alku. ahi queda agregado la version 0.3 de TinyISS

Principalmete se trabajo sobre el OOP (Out of Party)

- Ahora se puede levear 1 presonaje, llevando el ISS Fuera de la party

- Tambien se puede curar fuera de la party a miembros del clan o sino son del clan tambien se los puede curar con Heal del iss

- Ya no se pierden los buff entre re-buff y re-buff. Ahora se verifica el tiempo de los buff.

Nota: Para los que quieran probar el OOP..

1) Configuren el OOP true, nombre del personaje en el script y agreguen las opciones del GUI "Party" Aceptar ON y agreguen el nombre del ISS en el GUI en el personaje que levean

2) Bufeen 1 vez como siempre, toman party, bufean como siempre, salen del party y activan el Script y agregan al iss en el GUI "Follow" a su personaje.

Agregado a 0.3:

-- v.03
-- OOP BUFF Mode Single ISS + Your Char. Just Active Follow at GUI, Config the Char Name an set "true" in OOP
-- OOP HEAL Clan Members
-- OOP HEAL Any Char in Range
-- Buff time Check to avoid loose Buff in Solo, Party or OOP mode
-- Check only one time some part of code

Y como siempre, si el ISS esta en party, configuran OOP = False y el script se encarga de mantener los buff de la party todo el tiempo ademas de verificar si muere alguien de la party, lo bufea.
(10-28-2014 08:43 AM)rORUMI Wrote: [ -> ]Gracias Alku. ahi queda agregado la version 0.3 de TinyISS

Principalmete se trabajo sobre el OOP (Out of Party)

- Ahora se puede levear 1 presonaje, llevando el ISS Fuera de la party

- Tambien se puede curar fuera de la party a miembros del clan o sino son del clan tambien se los puede curar con Heal del iss

- Ya no se pierden los buff entre re-buff y re-buff. Ahora se verifica el tiempo de los buff.

Nota: Para los que quieran probar el OOP..

1) Configuren el OOP true, nombre del personaje en el script y agreguen las opciones del GUI "Party" Aceptar ON y agreguen el nombre del ISS en el GUI en el personaje que levean

2) Bufeen 1 vez como siempre, toman party, bufean como siempre, salen del party y activan el Script y agregan al iss en el GUI "Follow" a su personaje.

Agregado a 0.3:

-- v.03
-- OOP BUFF Mode Single ISS + Your Char. Just Active Follow at GUI, Config the Char Name an set "true" in OOP
-- OOP HEAL Clan Members
-- OOP HEAL Any Char in Range
-- Buff time Check to avoid loose Buff in Solo, Party or OOP mode
-- Check only one time some part of code

Y como siempre, si el ISS esta en party, configuran OOP = False y el script se encarga de mantener los buff de la party todo el tiempo ademas de verificar si muere alguien de la party, lo bufea.

Muchas Gracias por tus aportes. Disculpa mi ignorancia, solo tengo una duda si por ejemplo uso este script en un Iss Dominator con el modo OOP = True, ¿Jamás entrará en party? ¿O solamente entrará en party para dar los resist buff al DD que esta leveleando?

Gracias de antemano si me puedes aclarar esta duda.

Hay otra cosa que no me queda muy clara. ¿El mismo Script tengo que ejecutarlo también en el DD? Es decir, ¿tengo que ejecutar el script tanto en el Iss como en el DD? La pregunta viene porque no se como hacer para volver a invitar al Iss a la party cuando se le estan yendo los buff al DD.

En principio este script solo corre en un iss. Tendria que darte un mensaje de error si es otra clase.

El dominator necesita que tus mascotas a levear esten en el mismo clan por obligacion. Si es asi te da la ventaja de que NO entre en la party ya que puede dar buff, sonatas y harmonys fuera de la party.

Yo lo que hago es lo siguiente. Uso 1 ISS dominator, si tengo que levear 2 o 3 personajes y el lider de la party es 1 DD. Configuro ISS OOP = false, pongo todos los personajes cerca, bufeo yo y activo el script.. Entonces todos tienen buff, en 1,3 armo el macro con las harmonys para el tank/DD/healer y lo pongo a seguir el MA. EL mismo dominator, cuando sabe que pierde el buff, se bufea a si mismo... bufeando a las mascotas.

SI "solo" tengo que levear 1 personaje. Uso un Iss Spectral dancer que tengo.. Ahi SI activo el OOP= true, seteo el nombre del DD, le doy party y bufeo como siempre. Una vez que ambos tienen buff, salgo de la party y activo el script.

Cuando el iss, se va quedando sin buff... verifica si OOP = true, invita, bufea y sale del party...

Ahora en la proxima version, lo unico que faltaria serian 2 cosas.. que el Script tambien corra del lado del DD, entonces si armas 1 party y un DD se muere o pierde buff, pida party al ISS, el ISS resucite, y bufee de nuevo a todos.

Es bastante complejo lo que hay que agregar, pero se puede hacer.

Si ya tienes un DOminator como yo, y tienes tu propio clan... ya con este script tendrias todo solucionado, leveas partys enteras con el iss dentro de la party

y leveas nuevos personajes llevando en OOP=false ya que con el solo hecho de que el dominator siga tu nueva party le da buff.

Nota: Probe el tema del mentor buff + dominator y como lo llevo OOP=false, cuando el dominator pierde buff, le pasa Harmony a los DD nuevos, y como mis buff son lvl2 y lvl3 PISA el buff lvl 1 mentor, dandole mejores buff manteniendo el 50% de exp bonus.
Te capte al 100% la info. Claro por supuesto que ya sabía lo de los buff del Dominator para solamente clan. Ya tengo mas claro todo. Lo de poner las macros en 1,3 esta muy bueno . En caso de que alguna mascota que este leveleando requieran las mismas Harmonys le coloco /delay 1 y todo perfecto.
hola recien probe el icono de bufear a todos pero tengo un problema no tira el harmony, ahi algun screap para q use los macros? nomas
(11-07-2014 20:43 PM)minotopo2 Wrote: [ -> ]hola recien probe el icono de bufear a todos pero tengo un problema no tira el harmony, ahi algun screap para q use los macros? nomas

1,1 = F1 = Sonatas
1,2 = F2 = Buff
1,3 = F3 = Harmonys..

Cuando armo partys de 7.. en F3 no me entran todos los harmonys.. asi que mando algunos harmonys en F1 tambien y listo.
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