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Full Version: Wynn Soulless ID?? Anyoe knows
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Does anyone know the id of Wynn Soulless summon? "awakened one" can't seem to find it anywhere.. Confused
U need to put /recstart_zz on chat, press the skill of Sumoning Wynn Soulles, then type /recstop, go to folder D:\xxxxxxxx\l2tower\scripts, open zz.lua and there u gonna have the skill_id of Wynn Soulles.
miclase = L2Class2String(GetMe():GetClass());
archivo = "skillList - " .. miclase ..".txt";
ShowToClient("archivo de skill",""..archivo);
local file =, "a");
skillList = GetSkills();
file:write( "LISTADO DE SKILL PARA LA CLASE ".. miclase .. "\n\n");
for skill in skillList.list do -- lets loop thru the list
    idaux = tostring(skill.skillId)
    nameaux = tostring(
    file:write( "Nombre : "..nameaux .. " -> Id : ".. idaux .."\n");
work on oficial
11340;-- Summon Wynn Soulless
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