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нашел скрипт ИСы, изменил id, но все равно почему-то не работает. пишет вот что: "SYS","Your buffer is out of range, w8ing on him" , хотя стою рядом. помогите разобраться в чем дело, или может скиньте рабочий скрипт чтобы ИС сам себя бафал и продолжал бить мобов. заранее Спасибо!

ShowToClient("SYS","Script Ask Pt For Sonata Started");
IssName = "Жгу"; --here write name of your Iss
DDName = "Жгу","Жгу2"; --write name of char you want to give Warrior's Harmony
MageName = ""; --write name of char you want to give Wizard's Harmony
SendInvIfBufferInRange = 1000;
WhoToInv = nil;

if(GetMe():GetName() == DDName)then
harmony = 11524; --Warrior's Harmony
elseif(GetMe():GetName() == MageName)then
harmony = 11525; --Wizard's Harmony
elseif (GetMe():GetName() == TankName)then --Default (for other chars than seted in DDName , MageName) will buff Knight's Harmony
harmony = 11523;

if(GetUserByName(IssName) == nil)then
ShowToClient("SYS","Your buffer is out of range, w8ing on him");
until (GetUserByName(IssName) ~= nil);
ShowToClient("SYS","Your buffer is in range");
WhoToInv = GetUserByName(IssName);
elseif(GetUserByName(IssName) ~= nil)then
WhoToInv = GetUserByName(IssName);

if((GetMe():GotBuff(11529) == false) or --Prevailing
(GetMe():GotBuff(11530) == false) or --Daring
(GetMe():GotBuff(11532) == false) or --Refreshing
(GetMe():GotBuff(harmony) == false) or --Warrior's / Wizard's Harmony
(GetMe():GotBuff(11518) == false) or --Lute Melody
(GetMe():GotBuff(11520) == false) or --Drum Melody
(GetMe():GotBuff(11522) == false) or --Pipe Organ Melody
(GetMe():GotBuff(11517) == false) or --Horn Melody
(GetMe():GotBuff(11519) == false) or --Harp Melody
(GetMe():GotBuff(11521) == false) or --Guitar Melody
(GetMe():GotBuff(11565) == false) or --Elemental Protection
(GetMe():GotBuff(11566) == false) or --Divine Protection
(GetMe():GotBuff(11567) == false))and --Mental Protection
(WhoToInv ~= nil) and
(WhoToInv:IsMyPartyMember() == false) and
(GetMe():GetRangeTo(WhoToInv) < SendInvIfBufferInRange)then

ShowToClient("SYS","Your buffer is out of range, w8ing on him");
Command("/invite" .. IssName);

until ((GetMe():GotBuff(11529)) and --Prevailing
(GetMe():GotBuff(11530)) and --Daring
(GetMe():GotBuff(11532)) and --Refreshing
(GetMe():GotBuff(harmony)) and --Warrior's / Wizard's Harmony
(GetMe():GotBuff(11522)) and --Lute Melody
(GetMe():GotBuff(11518)) and --Drum Melody
(GetMe():GotBuff(11519)) and --Pipe Organ Melody
(GetMe():GotBuff(11517)) and --Horn Melody
(GetMe():GotBuff(11521)) and --Harp Melody
(GetMe():GotBuff(11520)) and --Guitar Melody
(GetMe():GotBuff(11565)) and --Elemental Protection
(GetMe():GotBuff(11566)) and --Divine Protection
(GetMe():GotBuff(11567))) and --Mental Protection
(WhoToInv:IsMyPartyMember() == true);


until false;
Русские ники в скрипте, из-за них глюки.
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