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Forum Announcement: Premium services
ClockMan Offline
All Mighty

Posts: 2,886
Joined: Jan 2011
Premium services

Premium services has been introduced to L2Tower project and replaced current donations.
Everybody who donated so far, had their account converted into premium account.

If you would like to upgrade your account into premium please make a donation via PayPal. ( Manage Licenses )

Pricing is as follow:
1) 8.5$ for one premium license.
2) 30$ for 1 year premium licenses.

License works only on one computer and allows you to update L2Tower into newer versions for three months. After that time, it won't work with new versions, however it will still work on the old one.

If you will have any problems with create license or out automated system you can ask for help here.

System what you already see on forum for Manage Licences can be used for bought licences but because it will be fully active since next version you need to inform me about this to add licences to your account in manual way.

Your account will be added into VIP group when you create your first premium license.

L2Tower Team

Latest list of servers you can find here:
06-27-2011 23:07 PM
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