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Forum Announcement: How to downgrade L2Tower.
ClockMan Offline
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Posts: 2,886
Joined: Jan 2011
How to downgrade L2Tower.

There is easy way to downgrade L2Tower 1.4.X.

Since version 1.4 downgrade procedure is build in into L2TowerUpdate.

Just start that program with parameter.
L2TowerUpdate.exe ""

Program will update/downgrade bot to that version.

There are two ways to downgrade L2Tower 1.3.X.

1. Using backup copies of files (since
During update updater crates copy of local files (only those what got replaced) in folder with L2Tower.

If original file name was L2Tower.dll then backup file will be called L2Tower.dll.
You need to rename back that files in manual way.

2. Downloading files in manual way
The base url where you can find files is:


(version) = 1_2_0_28 (for example replace numbers with version what you want to download)
(filename) = put here filename what you want to download. for example "L2Tower.dll"

List of all files you can always find in
This file is a XML file, but you will find there all filenames needed to run L2Tower.

So download files what you need (usually no need to download all), replace them from [filename].deploy to [filename]

Change local version
Sometimes you may want to stay on some version, and don't want "updates" popup up every run.
In file L2Tower.Update.xml you will find entry "<version></version>" just change version in that entry to newest one.

Remember that we won't support you if you will have problems with older version.
05-08-2011 11:48 AM
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